001 02 Flying Away

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© ABCC Australia 2015 new-physics.com


Episode 1.02

© ABCC Australia 2015 new-physics.com

Hi SK! I am Angela.I come here with a message from my masters - you are cordially invited to visit our institute.

© ABCC Australia 2015 new-physics.com

I like to. But why should I go there?

© ABCC Australia 2015 new-physics.com

My master had seen your writings on the internet. Some of them are the first ones in this world that are in sync with what we have. But they are far from complete. If you go there, you will find all your answers.

© ABCC Australia 2015 new-physics.com

That sounds very tempting because I have been trying to understand these thing all my life. But where is your place?

© ABCC Australia 2015 new-physics.com

We are just somewhere around here in the Amazon.

© ABCC Australia 2015 new-physics.com

Then how can we get there?

© ABCC Australia 2015 new-physics.com

No worries! We have prepared a vest for you so that you can fly with me! Put on a thin T-shirt and try it on.

© ABCC Australia 2015 new-physics.com

But how can this thing make me fly?

© ABCC Australia 2015 new-physics.com

This is how – you grow wings!

© ABCC Australia 2015 new-physics.com

The wings will grow to full size!

© ABCC Australia 2015 new-physics.com

I could fly! Oh what a feeling!

© ABCC Australia 2015 new-physics.com

We left my apartment . . .

© ABCC Australia 2015 new-physics.com

. . . passed the city . . .

© ABCC Australia 2015 new-physics.com

. . . across the country . . .

© ABCC Australia 2015 new-physics.com

. . . and headed for south America . . .

© ABCC Australia 2015 new-physics.com


To be continued on: Episode 1.03
