Anatomy of common hernias

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Dr. Wimal Abeysekara MBBS(Cey), FRCS(Eng)Consultant Surgeon, Senior lecturer (Visiting) in AnatomyFaculty of Medicine and Allied SciencesRajarata University of Sri Lanka.

Anatomy of Common Hernias

Types of Herniae• Inguinal - Direct

- Indirect- Congenital

• Femoral • Umbilical• Paraumbilical• Epigastric (Hernia of the linea alba )• Incisional • Diaphragmatic ( Hiatal Hernia )

• Internal • Spigelian• Lumbar • Obturator• Sliding

What is Hernia ?

• Hernia is a protrusion of the whole or part of a viscus from its normal position through an opening in the wall of its containing cavity.

Descent of the testis

Inguinal Hernia

Anatomy of Femoral Canal

Femoral Hernia

Richter’s Hernia

Anatomy of Umbilicus

Umbilical Hernia ( Congenital )

Anatomy of Diaphragm

Development of the diaphragm

1. The septum transversum 2. The dorsal oesophageal mesentery 3. A peripheral rim derived from the body wall4. The pleuroperitonial membranes

Congenital diaphragmatic hernia

• Through the foraman of Morgagni• Through the foraman of Bochdalek• Through the deficiency of the whole central tendon • Through a congenitally large oesophageal hiatus

Diaphragmatic Hernia ( Congenital )

Epigastric Hernia

Incisional Hernia

Spigelian Hernia

Lumbar hernia

Obturator Hernia

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