Computational models

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Computational models in software engineering

Dmitry Zagorulkin (

Concurrency in practice:

• - Distributed systems;

• - Fault tolerant systems;

• - Mobile systems(mobile phones network, vertices may connect and disconnect);

• - Parallel systems(running on one node)

Concurrency communication types:

• Shared memory – usually required the application of some form of locking. (e.g. mutexes, semaphores, monitors).

Java/C# • Message passing – concurrent components

communicate by exchanging messages. Can be done in synchronous/asynchronous way. Mostly used in functional programming languages.


Shared memory example

Shared memory example

Shared memory example

• Execution # • Synchronized • Not synchronized

1 Incr: 100000000Decr: 0

Decr: 67356100Incr: 67356100

2 Incr: 100000000Decr: 0

Decr: -88564700Incr: 1407800

3 Incr: 100000000Decr: 0

Decr: -86920200Incr: -1667800

Shared memory

• Advantages:

• easy to write such code

• deterministic behaviour

• Disadvantages:

• wrong waste of computer resources

• locking on resource

• hard to scale such code

Message passing example

Message passing example

Message passing

• Advantages:

• scalability out of the box

• possible to use in real time systems

• Disadvantages:

• hard to debug

• hard write code in such style

Models of computation

• λ (lambda) calculus by Church and Kleene (1941);

• π (pi) calculus by Milner et. al. (1992);

• Actor model (1973) by Hewitt et. al;

• Join calculus (1996) by Fournet and Conthier;

• Mobile ambients (2000) by Cardelli and Gordon.

λ (lambda) calculus

• Used as a foundation for sequential computation;

• Heart of functional programming languages;

• Turing-complete; any computable function can be expressed and evaluated using the calculus;

• In the λ calculus, all functions may only have one variable;

λ (lambda) calculus

• Function: λx.x2 ( the same f (x) = x2)• Function application: (λx.x2 2) ⇒ 22 ⇒ 4. ( the same f (2) = 4)

• Currying and High order functions:h(x,y) = x + y, h: (Z x Z) -> Zf : Z -> ( Z -> Z) and gx : Z -> ZExample f(2) = g2, where g2(y) = 2 + y.f(2)(3) = g2(3) = 2 + 3 = 5in lambda calculus this function with currying by: λx.λy.x + y. (λx.λy.x+y 2) 3) ⇒ (λy.2+y 3) ⇒ 2+3 ⇒ 5.

• Functions that operate on functions - ‘first class values’, so function may be used as the inputs, or be returned as outputs from other functions.

π (pi) calculus

• Pi calculus is a formal model for specification, analysis, and verification of systems composed of communicating concurrent processes.

• Concurrent computation is modeled in the Pi calculus as processes communicating over share channels.

• Calculus consist of processes {P,Q,…R}, channel names {a,b…c}, interaction (reading, writing) is denoted by prefix α.

• A simple interaction between two processes over a channel a can be modeled as follows in the π calculus: a(x).P | āb.Q

Actor model

• Asynchronous communication between nodes

• Every actor has it’s own identity ( used for communication)

• In response to message, an actor a may perform following:

1. send a message to a friend(acquaintance), an actor whose identity is known to the actor a

2. create a new actor a’, with a given behaviour b

3. become ready to receive a new message with new behaviour b.

Actor model


• Reference cell problem (a cell contains mutable state. A simple cell can be created, updated, and queried by other concurrent computations) – illustrates nondeterminism problem;

• Mutual exclusion (refers to the need of two or more concurrent computations to coordinate and avoid executing at the same some critical region of code) – A useful abstraction for guaranteeing mutual exclusion is the notion of semaphores;


• Dining Philosophers – A typical example of complexities of concurrent computation is the famous dining philosophers scenario. Consider n philosophiers, Ph1, … , Phn -1, dining at a round table containing n chopsticks ch1, … , chn-1 where each chopstick is shared by two consecutive philosophers. – illustrates deadlock problem.

Dining philosophers algorithm

1. Pick left chopstick (if available)

2. Pick right chopstick (if available)

3. Eat

4. Release both chopsticks

5. Think

6. Go to 1

Actor language syntax

Actor model(reference cell problem)

Actor model(mutual exclusion)

Actor model(dining philosophers)

Alan Kay about OOP

• “I thought of objects being like biological cells and/or individual computers on a network, only able to communicate with messages (so messaging came at the very beginning -- it took a while to see how to do messaging in a programming language efficiently enough to be useful)” – Alan Kay.

Further Reading

• Programming distributed computing systems (A foundational approach) Carlos A. Varela

• Making reliable distributed systems in the presence of software errors JOE Armstrong
