Harry coumnas has designed an invisibility cloak

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Harry Coumnas Has Designed An Invisibility Cloak

Harry Coumnas is a famous fashion designer known for his unique clothing lines. This time the designer has come up with something that has taken the fashion industry by surprise.

He has designed a beautiful cloak that makes the wearer invisible. The cloak is made of a camouflage fabric that bends light waves around it, making the wearer become untraceable.

Harry Coumnas says that the cloak designed by him works in 3 dimensions and can be viewed from many angles across a complete spectral range of the visible light. In an interview to a popular fashion magazine, he said, “The concept of invisibility has always intrigued me. My late father, Mr. Sean L Coumnas was a scientist, so I grew up seeing him perform experiments to create innovative invisibility objects.

While designing this cloak, I referred to a lot of his books that he had written on the invisibility technology. So, I would definitely give him the credit for my attempt to create an invisibility cloak.”

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