Order rodentai Shared By Abdul Qahar Buneri AWKUM BUner Campus

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Order Rodentai Shared By Abdul Qahar Buneri AWKUM BUner Campus

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Topic order rodentai

Presented by Islam jan buneri Ayesha ayaz yousafzai Ibrahim nakam

Presented to Dear sir zahir ahmad saib lecturer zoology department awkum (buner)

Reference www.islamnabi.slideshare.com

Order RodentiaScientific classification

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Mammalia

Superorder: Euarchontoglires

Order: Rodentia



Introduction  The mammals of Rodentia are called rodents’

They are found in vast numbers on all continents other than Antarctica.

Common rodents are mice, rats,squirrels, porcupines,  and guinea pigs, etc. 


Rodents use their sharp incisors to cut wood, and bite predators.

Most rodents eat seeds or plants, cutting wood, Nearly all rodents feed on plants, seeds in particular, but a number of species eat insects .

Range of ordersRodents make up the largest order of mammals.

With about 2,277 species of rodents,over 40% of mammalian species belong to the


Their success is probably due to their small size, short breeding cycle, and ability to cut and eat a wide variety of foods.

Rodents are found in vast numbers on all continents except Antarctica, most islands, and in all habitats except oceans. They are the only placental order.


 All rodents have a single pair of upper and a single pair of lower incisors, followed by a gap , and then one or more molars or premolars,

Their anterior and lateral surfaces are covered with enamel, but the posterior surface is exposed dentine.  Rodents lack canines, and have a gap between their incisors and premolars.

SizeMany rodents are small.

The tiny African pygmy mouse, (Mus minutoides), can be as small as 6 cm in length and 7 g in weight at maturity.

The largest extant rodent, the capybara, (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris),usually weighs up to 65 kg with exceptional specimens weighing up to 91 kg.

Use by humans Rodents are important in many ecosystems

because they reproduce rapidly, and can function as food sources for predators.

Mechanisms for seed dispersal. disease vectors. Humans use rodents as a source of fur.As pets. As model organisms in animal testing.For food
