The central-dogma-oh-genetic-information

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The central dogma of genetic information

Daniel Madrid Gómez Third Semester

Molecular Biology


- Replication: Process of duplication of DNA - Transcription: Synthesis of RNA by the mold of DNA

- Splicing: Post-transcriptional process were some árts of the RNA secuence are eliminated,

implicates the RNA maduration. - Traduction: Synthesis of proteins by the RNAm


Cancer-Causing Enzyme Acts during DNA

ReplicationIndiana University, February

2, 2016

They have identified a genetic mechanism with the ability of leading to mutations that can

lead to cáncer.

Their E. Coli sudy found out that the enzyme APOBEC3G, a trigger for mutations can turn

benign tumor cells to transformm into cancerous malignances. These changes are

done during the DNA replication.

This study got support from the Wayne State School Of Medicine, that provided

expertise on APOBEC3G, The experiments were all done at Indiana University

"Many tumors accumulate mutations during their growth, which lead to the subsequent characteristics that permit metastasis," said Patricia Foster, Ph.D., principal investigator.

These results can be really important for personalized medicine. Due to the

possibility of identifying tumors with vulnerability to the enzyme. Finding the ways to supress the expression of this enzyme could be the way to get the


Cancer-Causing Enzyme Acts during DNA Replication

Student’s Observation:

Nowadays is really important to know the different mechanisms that happen to grow up a cáncer, so personally i can say that there should be more studies about this topic, to know and then develop a treatment to those different mechanisms, that way we could stop cáncer even before the DNA replication.

Researchers tease apart a pathway certain cancer cells use to replicate

Boston University Medical Center, January 28, 2016

Researchers identified that the replication stress response protein SMARCAL1 is a key to the ALT pathway (Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres

pathway) which is an ability that cancer cells use to mantain their telomere lenght.

This study was done by researchers from Boston University School Of Medicine

"Our study suggests that ALT telomeres experience chronic replication stress (a type of DNA damage that is not highly

prevalent at 'normal' telomeres) and therefore, rely on SMARCAL1 to resolve this replication stress and maintain

telomere stability. In the absence of SMARCAL1, the accumulation of replication stress at ALT telomeres leads

to the formation of DNA double strand breaks and consequently, drives massive genomic instability," explained corresponding author Rachel Flynn, PhD

It has been described that the ALT pathway is active especially in aggressive cancer,

incluiding osteosarcoma, glioblastoma and some pancreatic tumors, often resistant to

standard chemotherapeutic strategies.

Researchers tease apart a pathway certain cancer cells use to replicate

Student’s observation

Student’s observation: I can tell is really surprising how scientist have even determined the direct mechanism that cáncer cells use to replicate. This way there’s the clue to reach a way to stop the cáncer cell replication and then go for the best treatment available.

Medical Utility

The central dogma of the genetic information is an important topic, and a target for the medical utilities, specially in diseases like cancer, where there’s

an uncontrolled cell proliferation

Knowing the different mechanisms of the central dogma is essential for arrest and detain

mutations and cáncer cells triggers, by recognizing the different enzymes and

molecules implicated in diverse diseases.

Both of these articles show us how there are various mechanisms implicated in cancer, related to the central dogma.

However the research made cannot stay there, is essential to do more investigations to find targets and arrest their carcinogenic



- Digravio, G. (28 de January de 2016). Medicalxpress. Obtenido de

- genengnews. (2 de February de 2016). Obtenido de

- Martínez, L. (2015). Biología molecular séptima edición. En L. Martínez, Biología Molecular (págs. 74-85). Medellín: UPB.
