белорусские блюда


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Base to national Belorussian kitchen consists dish grated potatoes: draniki, babka, dampling, zeppelins.


The Flour products used or for backfilling in soup, or as гарниры to the second meat dish.

Be and sweet dumplings, added in dessert made of fruits, compotes or to sweet sauce as dessert guard;keep


The Zeppelins - an enormous dumpling from grated or boiled potatoes with meat stuffing, pot cheese or other ингредиентов


Borsch-main first dish Belarusian kitchen. Borsch has much varieties. Pork, beef, mutton is used in borsch.


alcoholic drink.

Consists of ethyl alcohol and water.


Popular dish to belarusian kitchen. Pancakes olden days accompanied person

whole his life

Pickled cabbage

Pickled cabbage this cabbage with action of the milk acid


Kislomolochnyy product Received when removing the whey from milk

dessert made of fruit

Sweet dessert

Jelly consisting of fresh and dried fruit

Stuffed bird

The Stuffed bird was an exquisite dish on palace feast of the king Radzivila in Belorussia..

Duck stuffed, verily ROYAL dish

The Stuffing can be the most varied with mushroom, the pumpkin, apple buckwheat
