10 Procrastination Hacks Everyone Should Remember


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Top 10 Productivity Hacks Everyone Should Remember

By Alex Noudelman

Here's my unique top ten list of tips, tricks and hacks that you - the

entrepreneur - can use to become more productive.

© Alex Noudelman

1. Write It Down

Every task, every commitment and appointment should be written down in a

calendar or somewhere you will remember. This frees your mind from the energy- and

attention-sucking job of trying to remember.

© Alex Noudelman

2. Get A Head Start The Night Before

The best way to get a head start on tomorrow’s duties and tasks is to start the night before.

Before leaving your workplace, or before going to bed, take 10-15 minutes to look over

the next day’s commitments.

© Alex Noudelman

3. Get Rid of Email Distractions

Go airplane mode. If you spend all most of your time in a given day responding to emails, answering calls, and

responding to text messages, pause your email

inbox and shut off your phone.

© Alex Noudelman

4. Clean Up The Clutter

Clutter on your desk leads to a cluttered mind. A messy workspace can also make you feel disorganized, smorgasbord, or

even downright panicked. Make it a weekly duty to clean up the clutter.

© Alex Noudelman

5. Take Breaks

Breaks are not to be missed. You should be

taking 10 minute breaks to clear your mind. This gives you enough of a mental

boost to save 15 minutes of eventual

effort. © Alex Noudelman

6. Prioritize Your Tasks

Look, if you don't know your priorities, why are you even trying to be more

productive? Stick with two major projects at any given time. Trying to take

on the 3rd one is only going to cause confusion, and unnecessary headache

for you.

© Alex Noudelman

7. Reward Yourself

Praise yourself for a job well done. Give yourself a pat on the back at the end of each day. Never second guess yourself

and seldomly start making unnecessary and drastic changes. It will only lead to

less and less productivity.

© Alex Noudelman

8. Work No More Than 40H/Week

Find a balance between work and life at home. No work should ever get in the way

of the time you spend with family and friends. Set two hours of operations for

your schedule: one for when you leave on schedule and one when you need to work

late to complete urgent assignments.

© Alex Noudelman

9. Keep a Time Diary

When you track exactly how you spend your time, you can see how much time you’re wasting, which will help you get

back lost time.

© Alex Noudelman

10. Make a Procrastination List

Make a list of high-leverage activities you can do the next time you procrastinate. This will let you stay productive while

your mind wants to push away the things you have to do.

© Alex Noudelman

Thank you for reading!



Alex (dot) noudelman (at) gmail (dot) com
