12 steps to simplify your life


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{ 12 } Steps to Simplify Your Life

Based on a Facebook Articleby Dr. Wayne Dyerfrom January 15/2014


{ 1 }Unclutter Your Life

Let go of stuff that’s no longer useful in your life

{ 2 }Get Rid of Things

Get rid of anything that keeps you stuckin the mindset of acquisitions

that contribute to a cluttered life

{ 3 }Clear Your Calendar

Clear your calendar of unwanted and unnecessary activities and obligations

Don’t feel guilty about saying NO

{ 4 }Keep Your Time Free

Keep Your time free for joyful inspirationDecline invitations that don’t activate feelings of inspiration

{ 5 } Take Time for Meditation and Yoga

Give yourself at least 20 minutes a day to sit quietly and make conscious contact with


{ 6 } Return to the Simplicity of

NatureThere’s nothing more awe-inspiring

than nature itself

{ 7 } Be Your Natural Self

Your urge to simplify and feel inspiredis fueled by the desire to be your natural self—

that is, your nature self

{ 8 } Put Distance between You & Your


Choose to align yourself with peoplewho are like-minded in their search

for simplified inspiration

{ 9 } Take Some Time for Your

HealthYour body is a sacred temple

where you reside for this lifetimeRespect it and simplify your life

by exercising and eating sensibly

{ 10 }Play, Play, Play!

You’ll simplify your life and feel inspiredif you learn to play rather than

work your way through life

{ 11 }Slow Down

By slowing down, you’ll simplifyand rejoin the perfect pace

at which creation works

{ 12 }Avoid Debt

You don’t need to purchase moreof what will complicate and clutter your lifeIf you can’t afford it, let it go until you can

For more information contact

Marlies Cohen

Productivity & Time Management Coach


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