54 teachings of my father


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54 teachings of myfather

54 dialogues of my father, and what I learnt from them.

doctored for intensity


rule -1

It is a dog eats dog world.


people are least concerned about your self-esteem. rule -2


If you want something, earn it.rule -3

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rule -4

It is good to be rebuked by your father, at least, he love you.


rule -5

there is no job too small

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rule -6

take 100% responsibility of your life



rule -7

respect parents, they know almost everything.

rule -8

Charity begins at home.

rule -8

First correct yourself, then correct others.

school does not prepare you for liferule -9


rule -10

Virtual world is virtual.

rule -11

treat everyone with politeness.


first uproot something, then say you exist. rule -12


you cannot hire someone to do push-ups for you. rule -13

Change your responses to get changed outcomes.rule -14


You are the result of the choices you have made.rule -15


If you keep on doing as always, you get what you have always.rule -16

Stop blaming.rule -17


There is no point in complaining the wrong person.rule -18

Results never lie.rule -19

End justifies the means.rule -19


Always ask the WII-FM question. rule -20


Define exactly , what exactly you wantrule -21


Do not live someone elses dream.rule -22


Do not accept anything less than what you have desired.rule -23

Anything less than wished for, is unacceptable. rule -23

Do not think / worry too muchrule -24

Explain according to the level of the listener.rule -26


Cultivate the ability to explain things lucidly.rule -26

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Let them bark, do not bother!rule -27

What others think of you is none of your business. rule -27

You will always get, what you expect.rule -28


Integritypeople should have strong belief in you.rule -29


College degree is not everything.rule -30

but education is everything.rule -31

Study 4 hours everyday, to be an expertrule -32

Commit your goals in inkrule -33

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Commit your goals in inkrule -34

read your goals 3 times a day.rule -34

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prioritize your prioritiesrule -35


Nothing works, until you workrule -35

The best time to execute your plans is now.rule -36

Stake everything you have got. rule -37

Stake everything you have got. rule -38

Be courteous.rule -39

Be very particular about manners.rule -40

Ask, and it shall be given to you.rule -41


You dont have that thing, asking for it, should not hurt.rule -42

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Do not accept rejectionrule -43

Work on your strengthsrule -44

Let your weaknesses be rule -44



be persistentrule -45


Always be with more intelligent/successful peoplerule -46

You become the average of 5 people you spend most of your time with.rule -46

Avoid useless/negative peoplerule -47


Always hire a professional.rule -48

Leave it, if it does not attracts you. rule -49

Just do it!rule -50

Always say less than what is necessary. rule -51

Be succinctrule -51

You are your reputationrule -52

Action speaks louder than wordsrule -53

Learn as much as you can, about, at least one thing.rule -54


learn only as much as you should know

