7 Ways To Be More Productive At The Office



Eight hours a day, five days a week and the stress is taking it's toll on everyone. Reducing it depends only on ourselves. Here's how.

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7 Ways To Be More Productive At The Office

#1. Get a Good Night Sleep

Nothing says productivity more than a good rest during the night.

Before you ask, night-time sleep is more efficient than day-time sleep.

Source Pic: https://www.flickr.com/photos/an_solas/6446254105

#2. Listen to Music

Music enhances the motivation, the mood and improves concentration, because it isolates the surrounding noise and lets you focus on the tasks.

Even surgeons operate on a music background.

Source Pic: https://www.flickr.com/photos/onepointfour/11922912426

#3. Organise Your Desk

A cluttered desk with piles of documents will only make you grumpy and frustrated, not to mention it wastes time to look for things.

Cleaning is stress-relieving. Not to mention it will be a lot easier, when office removal is at hand.

Source Pic: https://www.flickr.com/photos/kaushal/67434121

#4. Enjoy Your Lunch Break

Don't make the mistake of spending lunch break in front of the computer.

Researchers are united by the fact that if you go out of the office for lunch, this will increase productivity, refresh the body, stretch the muscles and rest the eyes.

Source Pic: https://www.flickr.com/photos/afunkydamsel/7362711132

#5. Exercise

There are a few exercises you can do at the office to stretch the muscles and not bother anyone else (link in the sources).

The best one is going out for a walk.

Source Pic: https://www.flickr.com/photos/lindejesus/4880728619

#6. Remove the Uncomfortable Office Chair

If the chair is uncomfortable, the brain will only think about pain in the back or discomfort in other body parts.

Office chairs need to be maintained regularly in order to provide the best service for its users. Employees have enough things on their mind.

Source Pic: https://www.flickr.com/photos/urbanwide/174886493

#7. Laugh at a Funny Video

Laughter helps for decreasing stress levels and makes you happier.

If the office environment allows it, find five minutes to watch a funny video.

If you're not sure what to watch, choose a cat video – you can never go wrong with cats on the Internet.

Source Pic: https://www.flickr.com/photos/esthervargasc/6447141599