A Piratical Legacy Chapter 32 Part 1 - Transitions


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Chapter 32 – Transitions Part 1

A Piratical Legacy Chapter 32: Transitions - Part 1 Author's Note: I apologize for the low quality of some of the pictures and any inconsistencies in this chapter. I had a complete and total neighborhood corruption and had to revert to a month-old backup. As I was having other problems as well, I regenerated my entire EA Games folder, which caused all of my settings--including picture settings--to revert to default. Which isn't pretty. As for the inconsistencies, while I had pictures to go back to for outfits and such, a few events happened a little differently during my second play-thru. I've tried to correct for them as best I could.

"Is it really our birthday today?" Borusa Buccaneer asked his twin brother excitedly. "Yep!" Spandrell Buccaneer grinned back at his noseless sibling. "An' you know what that means? We get to have a huuuuuuuge party!" "Will there be girls there?" Borusa blinked. "I dunno," Spandrell shrugged. "I think it's just gonna be family an' some of mom 'n' dad's friends." "Aw, that stinks," Borusa complained. "Oh well. I can't complain if there's going to be a party." "Yeah, parties are great," Spandrell said dreamily. Borusa grinned wickedly, then extended his index finger and thumb at his brother. "BANG!"

"What?" Spandrell yelped. "You're so dead!" Borusa snickered. "That means I get to be Uncle Jack next and you have to be Great-Grandpa Alan." "Awww... but I want to be Uncle Jack!" Spandrell complained, sticking his hands up obligingly. "Great-Grandpa Alan never wins."

Once the boys were safely off to school and Lee, Andrew Bigfoot, and Gertie off to work, Grace got to work on her latest hobby-slash-money making venture. She'd decided a while back to take a stab at gardening, and it looked like things would finally start paying off soon. Her strawberries and eggplants were nearly ripe! Gardening was an extremely time-consuming hobby, if a lucrative one, and it took Grace most of the morning to finish tending her crops.

It was well after lunch before she got back to writing her book on the economic history of Pirate Island. Grace was very nearly done, and she was certain the book would be a best seller. Me, not so much. I tried to read an economics textbook once. While I'm not sure exactly what the book said, I do not recommend it as a pillow. "You know, I can hear you when you monologue like that, goddess."

When Lee got home from work that evening, he was happy to report that his and Grace's stock portfolio had done exceptionally well that day. The two of them were in a fantastic mood as they got ready for Borusa and Spandrell's birthday party.

When I say "got ready", I mean "challenged Andrew Bigfoot to an SSX3 tournament", of course. As usual, Gertie did most of the work setting up for the party. She didn't mind, though. If she hadn't converted to the way of cheese, she often thought she'd have liked staying a Popularity sim.

For the boys, anticipation of their party brought on all sorts of existential consideration yet again. Wondering about their genetic "father", the alien who'd abducted Lee, was a favorite topic of theirs.

"Do you think my other dad would come to the party if we sent him an invitiation?" Spandrell asked Gertie and Andrew. "It seems unlikely," Andrew said solemnly. "If the aliens were interested in a relationship with our world they would have made contact long before now." "Did I ever tell you that I have three men in love with me?" Gertie asked, butting into the conversation. She tended towards an inappropriate sense of timing now that she was an elder.

"Many times," Andrew said patiently. "But that does not answer young master Spandrell's question." "Maybe I'll help Borusa look for our alien kin someday," Spandrell said. "You know, when we're old or something. At least we got a good mom and dad here, and you guys are almost kinda like parents too. It's like having four parents instead of two!" Spandrell was always one to look on the bright side of life.

At last the appointed hour rolled around.

Any of the family who could make it to the party made an effort to do so. Of course, Coxinga was back living on Pirate Island, having graduated from university, but Ching Shih had flown in just for the occasion. Borusa was up first. As he took in the sight of everyone who'd come to watch his transition, his black eyes shone happily. He leaned over the cake, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. "I wish..." "Don't tell us or it won't come true!" Zing whooped, waving a noisemaker raucously.

So Borusa didn't tell anyone his wish. But nobody was surprised when he informed them he'd rolled Romance. Let's just say they'd seen it coming. "Yeah! Go Borusa!" Caryl Curious cheered enthusiastically. "You grew up in clothes that don't suck!" "Heh, I did, didn't I," Borusa said critically, looking down at his new outfit. "I like it! I think I'll keep it!"

"I hope I grow up in as good an outfit as that," Spandrell grinned as he leaned over the second cake. "But that's not my wish! I have lots of wishes, but I'm not telling any of them. I want them all to come true!" And that said, he blew out the candles.

"Lookin' good, son!" Lee said with a smile. "What aspiration did you choose?" "What do you think?" Spandrell asked. "Popularity, of course!" He gave a shudder of dismay as he looked down at his clothes. "Ugh, this outfit is awful, though. Hey, Borusa, got a spare t-shirt I can wear?" "Dressing like me again?" his brother teased. "As long as I have a nose and you don't, people should have no trouble telling us apart," Spandrell shrugged. "And what looks good on you looks good on me."

"Where do you get your cakes from?" One of the guests (word has it she was a simself) asked Lee as everyone dug into the birthday cake. "It's a new store," Gertie answered for her brother-in-law. "Celebration Stuff special." "Ah," the simself nodded. "I gotta get me some of that." "I hear that's a common refrain amongst simselves," Lee said. "But I don't understand it." "I think they're just breaking the fourth wall," Susanna griped as she walked past. "Lazy, I tell ya. Just plain lazy." "Hey!" "Did anyone just hear a voice?" Lee blinked. "Or am I going senile?"

"Master William, it is good to see you again," Andrew said seriously. He'd eaten cake until he was bursting at the seams and wanted to watch the video game tournament that was taking place in the living room. "It's nice to see you again too, Andrew," Will said solicitously. "How are you keeping?" "Andrew is doing well also," Andrew said gruffly. Something that almost passed for a smile crossed his bestial features. "The Mickles has been retired." "That's, ah, good to know."

"Andrew has heard that there are to be many weddings in the next few weeks," the elderly Bigfoot added. "One in William's house, perhaps?" "Yes, that's true," William said, smiling fondly. "Hugo and Lainey will be making it official in just under a month. The house is just a whirlwind of excitement--from the way Hugo carries on, you'd think nobody had ever been married before! But I remember feeling like that myself when I was younger." "Andrew looks forward to the buffet." Will burst out laughing. "Well, we're sparing no expense!"

"Oof!" Lee rubbed his shoulder gingerly. He'd agreed to a game of punch-you-punch-me with Borusa before realizing the implications of playing such a physical game with a teenager at the peak of his prime. "You hit a lot harder than you used to, son!" "Heh, that's 'cause I'm not a little kid anymore," Borusa smirked. "Speaking of that, dad... let's talk about curfew. What's mine?" "Ten on schoolnights, midnight on weekends," Lee said promptly. "Aw, man," Borusa protested. The next punch was perhaps a bit harder than previous. "That's, like, so unfair!"

"How so?" Lee asked. "That's the same curfew your older brother and sister had to live with. And they never complained. If you want to visit with your friends any later, bring them back here--but only if they're not breaking their curfews." "I'm so not bringing my dates here," Borusa said, cringing at the thought. "That'd be so embarrassing!" "Your brother did," Lee chuckled. "And he's marrying his next year." "Ew, marriage," Borusa shuddered.

The party finally wound down and the boys dragged themselves off to bed. By remarkable coincidence, they'd ended up with the same pajamas without any conspiring on their part whatsoever. "See you in the morning, bro," Spandrell called as he climbed into his bunk. "Yep," Borusa said gleefully. "Tomorrow we start girlhunting." "Err..." Spandrell started to say something, then shook his head. Tomorrow was soon enough.

When Coxinga graduated and moved back to Pirate Island, he was pleasantly surprised to discover that his parents had been putting money away in an account for him since he was a baby--and all the more surprised to learn that, with the money from his parents and the money he'd earned in college, he could afford a substantial home. Moving day was exciting--the home was his, bought and paid for with his own money (mostly), and he'd spared no expense. Author's Note: This house comes with Kitchen & Bath Interior Design Stuff.

"So? What do you think?" Zing asked, pulling Shere Khan into a close embrace as they took a tour of their new home. "Is it can be graduation tiemz nao?" Shere Khan asked plaintively. He obviously didn't like the idea that he still had a full year ahead before he could move in.

"I know," Zing said--somewhat melodramatically for him. "But at least I can use the year to build up our finances enough that we can afford to have kids. Kids are expensive." "Visible debt?" "Exactly," Zing said. "Just you wait, babe--by the time you move in for good, we'll be laughing all the way to the bank." "Mercenary Zing is mercenary," Shere Khan chuckled. "But iz kewl. As long as dere is no law-ninjas. Invisible lawsuits ftw!" "Oh, you mean the contagious pregnancy thing?" Zing asked after some thought. "Yeah, that would be bad. Did you ever figure out what caused it?"

Shere Khan shrugged and pulled Zing a little closer. There was music playing on the radio, and I'm afraid that Zing's question didn't get answered just then.

Some time later, the two of them sat down on their brand new sofa. "So about that contagious pregnancy issue," Zing said, revisiting the topic. He held up a hand. "And no distracting me this time!" "Investigative cat investigates," Shere Khan said. "Is can be interviews with guineh pig tonight." "Aw, so you won't be staying for dinner?"

"Sexah cat is sexah," Shere Khan giggled. "Is be comin' back for invisible sleepings." He caught Zing's eye and winked.

"Heh, I'll leave the porch light on," Zing grinned. "When do you have to go?" "Invisible alarm clock still makes a noise," Shere Khan said, pointing to his pocket. It immediately began beeping. "Impeccable timing--Im doin it rite." "See you soon," Zing said. "I'll keep dinner warm."

While Shere Khan headed just down the street to interview Ash, Sawyer, and the other residents of that ill-fated house, Zing decided to fill the time by reopening Zing's Used Car Emporium. He sold Spandrell three hatchbacks and a pickup truck. Lee was not amused.

"How can has borkened mai 'speriments?" Shere Khan asked once he was comfortably settled on a couch in the living room of his guineh--erm, test subjects. "Not bein dum--ur doin it rong."

"I followed the directions on the little bottle exactly," Ash protested. "I even got Sinjin and Aster to double-check for me. And look! It worked! I'm totally growing a spawn inside me!" "Yeah, but yours is planned," Sawyer said grumpily from where he sat next to Shere Khan. "Guido and I weren't even sure if we wanted kids yet! We were thinking about adopting a cat instead!" "Look man, I didn't screw it up," Ash said seriously. "Must've been something wrong with the bottle of goo, dude. And you might want to fix the flavour, 'cause that was the nastiest stuff I've ever drank."

"Yeah, he totally almost spewed everywhere," Ash's partner Sinjin added unhelpfully. "I think if his tastebuds hadn't been completely outta whack from that virus, he would have." "Waitasec," Shere Khan interrupted. He turned to glare at Ash. "You can did has flu?"

"We all did," Sawyer shrugged before Ash had a chance to respond. "It's been going through the island like wildfire. If you weren't spending most of your time in Paris, you'd probably have it too. It's pretty brutal, but not deadly. Totally contag--" he stopped. "Wait... do you think?"

"Look, the vial didn't say anything 'bout not drinking the goo if I wasn't up to snuff, cat-dude," Ash said apologetically. "Maybe you should give it, like, a warning label." "Is too late," Shere Khan sighed. "Open moufs. Insert swab. Give sample." "Why are we doing that, dude?"

"Right nao, we has invisible data," Shere Khan said. "Visible DNA tests means visible results, means explainin--I'm doin it rite. I can has send Maispace results next week. Kthxbye." And with that, he shoved the samples in his pocket and strode out the door. He did have a date to get back to, after all.

Toby Biggs leaned back on his comfy new double bed, looked around his swingin' bachelor pad, and smiled.

"So dad, what do you think?" he asked. "I think somebody needs to give you some decorating advice," Gavin said, cringing. "Stripes are so Gage Uglacy, son. Surely I brought you up to be a better Romance sim than that?" "But doesn't this place just scream 'Toby lives here!' at you?" "Well, it screams something," Gavin said. "Anyway, how much time are you going to be spending down here? You're a rookie in the minor leagues, you're dating more women than I can count, and you'll certainly be expected to cook dinner at least once a week.

That's just how it works in this house." "Dad, I decorated my room like this because I'm dating so much," Toby grinned. "There's a full floor between my room and the one you codgers are sleeping on. I figured my nocturnal activities would be less likely to disturb you." "I think the only thing we're likely to hear are gales of laughter," Gavin chuckled, taking in the room again. "But thanks for the consideration. So we can get rid of the hot tub?" "No way!"

At least one female wasn't scared away by the room's "charms", in any case. While Toby was at university, some of his uncles had moved back to Pirate Island--only Uncle Tycho (his dad's twin) and "Uncle" Don remained. Don had met someone and gotten married, and been asked to stay in the house by Gavin and Tycho, bringing his bride with him. Lyndsay Raha, Don's wife, wandered down to Toby's suite that night while he was sleeping. She hadn't been down to see it yet, and she'd certainly felt that Toby himself was worth a little extra study. Lyndsay loved her husband, but there was just something about Toby.

With a groan that only the elderly can produce, Lyndsay levered herself onto the bed. "Ah, it feels good to rest old bones," she murmured to herself. Beside her, Toby sensed that something was off. He'd gone to bed alone, and now there was someone lying next to him? Someone who smelled like... mothballs?

"Aah!" he yelped as he realized his 'Aunt' was relaxing comfortably next to him in her underwear. "Aunt Lyndsay, what are you doing in here? I could have been sleeping naked!" "Ooh, could you tell me the next time you do?" Lyndsay asked avariciously. "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that," Toby said, throwing off the covers and getting up. He ignored Lyndsay's leer. "Listen, lady... you're nice, right? But you're married to my uncle, and that means no way. So save us both some embarrassment and head back upstairs to your husband, okay?" And with that, Toby strode into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. He could still hear Lyndsay's annoyed sniff.

Fortunately, Lyndsay had a job and her schedule was completely different from Toby's. They didn't see much of each other over the next few days. Toby was surprised, however, to get a call from Zing. His cousin was in town visiting Shere Khan and wanted to stop by to visit while Shere Khan was at class. "Zing, man, what do you think?" Toby asked, racking up the pool balls. "Do I have a nice place or what?" "It's not bad," Zing agreed. "Could use a new paint job, and you should fire whoever decorated your bedroom, but the furniture's all high end and so are the appliances."

"Hey, I'll have you know that my apartment draws in the ladies like flies to honey." "Uh huh." "Seriously, I have to beat them off with a stick," Toby protested, brandishing his pool cue. "But I tell ya, since we graduated they've gotten crazier." "Do go on."

"Okay, well I won't even get started on Aunt Lyndsay," Toby said, shuddering. "She's just creepy and she stalks me. In her underwear. Normally I'd be all up for that, but she's married to my uncle. You just don't disrespect family like that." "Wait, you have standards?" Zing smirked. "Of course I do," Toby retorted. "Now hush. I'm telling you about the crazies. Well, one crazy in particular. You remember Athena Deity?" "Yeah," Zing said. "She's blue. It's hard to forget her."

"Exactly," Toby said. "And she is blue all over, man. It's kinda weird, but sometimes I like wierd." "TMI!" "Sorry. Anyway, we've had this thing going on for ages, right? Since before college, even--I met her visiting grandma and grandpa when I was a teenager back on Pirate Island. But a few weeks ago she calls me up out of the blue and starts yelling at me!"

"Maybe she found out about all your other girlfriends," Zing said consideringly. "I guess," Toby said dubiously. "She's always been a big jealous, which totally doesn't fly with me 'cause I tell the ladies right up front that I'm not exclusive. Anyway, she's pitching this big fit when suddenly she grabs me, kisses me, and drags me off into the hot tub." "Lucky you," Zing said dryly. "You can spare me the details. I really don't need to know them."

"Yeah, that's what I thought," Toby said. "Lucky me, right? I don't mind if she's gotta yell first to get in the mood. I'm good at ignoring yelling. But then after we get dressed again, she starts yelling again! Tells me she can't ever see me again, that what happened didn't actually happen, and that I'm scum and she hates me!" "That's... kinda bizarre," Zing conceded. "You're telling me," Toby shook his head. "Especially since she and I both know she'll be calling me again as soon as her husband goes off on his first business trip."

"Wait... she's married?" Zing blinked. "That's so not cool, dude." "She's not married yet," Toby said. "Just engaged. All she has to do is say she's not interested anymore and I'll stop calling her. It's the mixed messages that totally screw me up. Anyway, it's not my responsibility to make sure she stays faithful to her boyfriend. That's totally on her. I don't instigate--but I do follow through." "What about Ophelia?" Zing asked. "I thought you were pretty serious."

"Now, Ophelia's a chick I totally get," Toby said enthusiastically. "She's my favorite of all of them. If I was ever to settle down, it'd be with her. But she's not interested in settling down either--she's just like me, you know." "Completely incorrigible?" "Yeah, something like that," Toby said with a carefree shrug. "We're two peas in a pod. And yeah, she's the only one I'll ever refer to as my girlfriend probably, but I'm not demanding that she and I be exclusive. I'm not ready for that and I doubt she is. I know she sees other people. Sometimes she even tells me about it!" "TMI!" "Sorry. But it's true. Anyway, as long as I'm available when she calls, and she's available when I call, we're good."

"So you're almost exclusive but not really," Zing said, trying to wrap his mind around what Toby thought constituted a relationship. "Exactly," Toby said. "I'm out with Athena and Ophelia calls? I totally make up some excuse, ditch Athena, and meet up with Opie. And I know she does the same for me." "Toby, your world just doesn't make sense to me," Zing shook his head in amazement. "But I guess as long as you're happy and safe. You do ... play things safe ... right?"

"Dude, I'm a Romance sim," Toby said. "There is no greater responsibility to our aspiration." "Well, that's a relief," Zing said. He looked at his watch. "Well, I've gotta run. Shere Khan should be done class in a few minutes and I said I'd pick him up." "Yeah, you kids play it safe too," Toby called as Zing let himself out the back door. "I'm not ready to be an uncle yet!"

As coincidence would have it, Ophelia was walking up the front steps as Zing walked out the back gate. They exchanged waves in passing, but didn't stop to chat. They both had 'hoo on the mind.

"Toby, there's a creepy old lady staring at us," Ophelia murmured in her boytoy's ear as they came up for air. "Lyndsay, go bug Uncle Don," Toby said without looking up. "I'm kinda busy here and you're killing my mojo." "She's not leaving." Toby sighed, scooped up a big handful of water, and flung it at his "Aunt", just missing her. "Stop stalking me, Lyndsay! Can't you see

I'm trying to have a private moment with my girlfriend here?" "Well, I never," Lyndsay huffed. With an affronted stomp of her feet, she stalked into the kitchen. "She's watching us through the window," Ophelia pointed out. "At this point, I don't really care," Toby growled. "Let her watch. Maybe she'll get a clue."

Some time later, the two drenched and rather shivering lovers huddled together on the deck for warmth. "Toby," Ophelia said, in a voice that was actually rather plaintive for her. "Yes?" "Can we actually talk about something serious for once?" Toby blinked. Talking wasn't something he and Ophelia had done a lot of lately, being rather more focused on... other ... things. "Sure." "Did you sic your mother on me?"

"What do you mean?" "Well, you know how the neighborhood sends a welcoming committee when somebody new moves in?" "Yeah, that's pretty standard." "Mine was a little... non-standard. I was met by a blue lady, an elf, and ... your mother." "Mom stopped by?" Toby blushed. "Please don't kill me. I had nothing to do with it. I'm going to kill HER, as a matter of fact, the next time I see her."

"She didn't really like it when I flirted with the elf guy in front of her," Ophelia complained. "You told me your mom is a Romance sim. Doesn't she get what it's like between you and I? No complications, no commitment." "I'll remind her," Toby said.

"Oh, you won't have to," Ophelia said. "I already set the record straight. I may have yelled a bit. I'm just glad you didn't put her up to it, because then I'd have to hurt you in all sorts of nasty ways." "I'm just glad you're not the jealous type," Toby said, reaching forward to stroke Ophelia's cheek. "Crazies been at you again?" Ophelia laughed. "That's one way of putting it," Toby complained. "It's almost enough to make me want to commit to someone. I'm getting tired of getting

yelled at." "Well, maybe someday," Ophelia said, running one hand lightly over Toby's arm. "But not now." She shivered. "It's cold out here--how about you take me on a tour of your room?" "Another one?" "I didn't get to see very much of it last time," Ophelia chuckled. "Maybe this time you could show me the couch?"

"So this is it, huh?" Angora Buccaneer smiled happily at her soon-to-be husband, Ian Legacina. "Looks like," Ian nodded. "It's--it's not too late to back out if you don't want to go through with it." He smiled nervously. "Ian Legacina, are you getting cold feet?" Angora teased. "Me? No! I was worried that you were," Ian sputtered. "Because of--you know." "Well, I'll forgive you just this once for comparing me to her,"

Angora said. "But only because it's our wedding day." "Get on with it!" somebody called from the crowd assembled on the dewy lawn. "We haven't got all day!" "Yeah!" someone else shouted, mirth evident in their tone. "The turkey's getting cold!" "Well, Ian?" Angora smiled hugely. "Ready?" "More than you know," he said, his entire face changing as a genuine smile lit his features.

And just like that, the crowd of assembled well-wishers fell silent. "Ian, I've known there was something special about you since the day I first met you. It was a challenge to get to know you past your moody exterior, but I'm so happy that I did. I fell in love with you, warts and all, and I promise to cherish and nurture that love--and those warts!--for the rest of our lives." "Angora, I can't even begin to tell you how much I love you and your family. Til death do us part, right?" "Right."

And with a deft exchange of rings, the happy couple became Mr. and Mrs. Legacina. Warts and all.

"Think they'll do okay?" Bart asked his daughter-in-law. "I think they'll be just fine," Rani nodded at her father-in-law. "If the young man can ever manage to look at me without blushing, that is." "I think he'll come around," Bart nodded. "I imagine it is somewhat embarrassing to accidentally blurt out the details of one's woohoo life to one's future mother-in-law." "Poor boy's probably scarred for life," Rani chuckled. "Well, he'll have time to get over it. In the meantime, Bart, the turkey's getting cold. Join me and Pierce for a bite?" "Thought that was you yelling."

There was an extra guest at this particular wedding. She wasn't formally invited, as Ian had no idea who she was, but she stopped by nonetheless. She had something of an investment in the happiness of the young couple and she wouldn't miss the wedding for the world. Pierce noticed her and invited her in--the more the merrier for such a happy occasion.

"So, which of you lovely ladies is next to get married?" Rani asked, coming into the kitchen and joining a group of fancily clad women. "Don't look at me," Toshiko grinned. "My boytoy is terrified by the m-word. Not that I have a problem with that." "I've got a wonderful husband--when he behaves himself--back home," the dark-haired woman in the asian dress said. "I don't think he'd be very happy if I married somebody else." "My fiancée is about as terrified of weddings as your boyfriend is," Robin nodded to Toshiko. "Doesn't the term 'fiancée' imply a wedding at some point?" Rani asked.

"It just means there's no risk of either of us getting dropped by the matchmaker," Robin shrugged. "It works for us." "I wonder when Ian and Angora are going to start having kids," the dark-haired stranger mused. "What's it to you?" Rani asked. She didn't recognize the guest. "I'll have you know that I'm the groom's grandmother," Zoey Legacina replied haughtily. "Ooh, I've heard of you!" Toshiko said eagerly.

While an extremely frightening discussion of bombs and mayhem continued in the kitchen, more civilized discussion was being considered over cake in the dining room. "Are you guys going somewhere on a honeymoon?" Toast asked. "Yeah," Angora said excitedly. "Our shuttle to the airport arrives right after you guys leave! I can't wait!" "She's been packing and repacking her suitcase for days," Ian said fondly. "I don't know why. We're just going to Three Lakes for a few days."

Angora elbowed her husband and blushed. "I'll show you later what I've been packing and re-packing," she hissed. Ian's cheeks flushed to match his hair, but he wisely said nothing further on the matter. "If I ever get married, I'm going to Twikkii Island on my honeymoon," Ophelia declared. "Not that I'm planning on getting married or anything." "We thought about going there," Angora said. "But we decided we'd check out the mountains this time--far east next time--Twikkii Island the time after that. We both want to travel a lot."

"So what do you think?" Ian asked Ophelia as the party wound down. "Did I pick a keeper this time?" He eyed his bride, who was saying goodbye to guests at the door, appreciatively. "Well, the whole concept of marriage and settling down with just one person freaks me out," Ophelia shrugged. "But," she relented, seeing the look on Ian's face, "if you had to pick just one person, Ian, I think that Angora is the one for you. Weird though that may be." "Yeah, I did good," Ian beamed. Just then there was a honk from outside. "Ack! That's the shuttle! Where's my suitcase! Gotta go!"

Ian met Angora in the bedroom. She'd somehow managed to change and grab her suitcase in the three seconds since the cab honked. "Don't leave without me!" he yelped as he hastily stripped off the rented tux and slipped on his everyday clothes. "I'm sure I can convince the driver to wait a minute or two," Angora giggled as she made her way down the stairs. She called back through the open door, "but it'll cost you!"

"Well, that's that," the elderly simself said. She and Brody Legacina--Ian's uncle--were the only guests who hadn't left yet. "Ian's got his happy ending."

The honeymoon sped by quickly, and before long Ian and Angora found themselves settling into the routine of married life. They were both early risers and tried to have breakfast together before work each morning. Pierce and Rani woke later in the day, being retired, and so that golden hour at the start of the day was a time sacred for just the two of them. "Are you feeling any better?" Ian asked solicitously as he set Angora's plate down in front of her. "A little," Angora said. "I don't know what came over me last night... I just wanted to die. But these omelettes smell so good. Suddenly I'm ravenous." "I'm just that good of a cook," Ian said. "Eat up. Some day my cooking will be worth mon--" He caught sight of Angora's expression and stopped abruptly. "Are you okay?"

Angora took a deep breath and forked another mouthful of food. She chewed and swallowed it deliberately before answering. "I'm okay," she said. "I just felt--odd--for a minute there." "Heh, if this keeps up I'm going to start accusing you of being pregnant," Ian chuckled. "I suppose it's certainly possible," Angora agreed. "Actually, if I'm not... and once I start feeling better... what do you think about trying?" "For kids?" Ian blinked. Then he smiled. "I'd... I'd like that," he said, almost shyly. "Oooh," Angora moaned, putting her hand on her middle. Then she clapped her hand over her mouth and bolted down the hallway.

Ian knocked on the bathroom door and was answered by the sound of projectile vomiting. "So I'll pick up a pregnancy test for you on the way home from work?" he called. "Probably a good idea," Angora moaned.

Before dinner that evening, Angora took a test and discovered that yes, she was pregnant. As she was feeling ravenous again, she sat down to eat while Ian called everyone he'd ever even spoken to and told them the news. "Arr!" the bear sitting on the floor beside the table cried. "Oh, hi Grandpa Jack," Angora grinned. "'Sup?"

"I hear ya be in the way o' havin' a baby, lass," the bear said. It sounded almost concerned. "Yep," Angora smiled, resting her hand on her belly for a moment. "Well then, lay off the rum," the bear advised. "And... congratulations." "Thanks," Angora said. She smiled softly. "And I will."

As it was, it turned out that Ian needn't have bothered phoning everyone under the sun. By that evening, Angora had popped--the whole world would know she was pregnant soon! Before we continue with their tale, however, there are others who need visiting and updating.

"And how did I get so lucky as to have two such lovely ladies in my presence?" Will Pseudo said, looking at the youthful forms of daughter and niece appreciatively. "You two are the prettiest girls on Pirate Island, and that's a fact." "Oh, daddy, you're supposed to say stuff like that," Liv giggled. "Well, it's awfully easy to do when it's true," Will said gruffly. "You clean up nice, girl. Both of you." "And speaking of cleaning up," Liv said, "you really ought to get changed, daddy. Even Lainey is done! Go get dressed and keep Hugo company outside. Mom's not letting him 'cause Lainey's in her dress already."

"You look like a dream," Ching Shih sighed romantically when she caught sight of Lainey Barthelet in all her finery. "All of this fuss, just for a wedding," Lainey shook her head in amusement. "Where I come from, these celebrations are much more low-key." "Well then, just be glad you get to party it up, pirate style," Liv said gleefully. "Exactly," Shih nodded. "This is going to be a fabulous party, Lainey. It's just too bad none of your family could come." "Well, they got to meet Hugo last month when we visited them," Lainey said. "And they blessed our marriage at that time. So in a way it is like we are having two weddings." "Only one party, though," Liv said regretfully. "Oh well. This one is going to be awesome, and you picked out great dresses for us. Not a butt-bow to be seen!"

"I did try to keep your request in mind when I was shopping, Liv Pseudo," Lainey said earnestly. "I would not wish to alienate my sister-in-law over such a non-issue as a bridesmaid dress." "It's great," Shih agreed. "But your dress is even better. You have good taste, Lainey." "When it comes to clothes," Liv interjected. "What possessed you to want to marry my brother, though..." "And now I know exactly what it is like to have a sister," Lainey giggled. "Come, it is nearly time. We should go outside now." "Stay around the side of the house til we're sitting down," Liv cautioned. "I don't want to miss seeing Hugo's face when he sees you for the first time." "I will do my best," Lainey promised.

Outside, Hugo was waiting nervously under the wedding arch. He'd been looking forward to this day since the matchmaker first dropped Lainey for him only a few days after he'd become a teenager. He could hardly believe it was finally here. A part of him realized that he should be mingling with the guests and greeting them, but he was too nervous and too excited. With an unspoken understanding, Toby and Zing took over that duty, and Hugo resumed his pacing at the foot of the aisle.

Finally, the music started and the guests were seated along with the wedding party.

"Here she comes!" somebody whispered, and all heads turned to face where Lainey was walking around the side of the house.

As the bride strode down the grass to meet her groom, her every step was filled with confidence. There would be no more rehashing of old wrongs and old fights--today was a day of new beginnings. Her heart swelled with love at the sight of Hugo waiting for her.

As for Hugo, he had gone very red upon glimpsing Lainey in her bridal finery, and fanned himself. Suddenly, the mild spring day seemed very warm. The most beautiful woman in the world was walking down the aisle--and she was all his! It seemed almost too good to be true.

"I love you, Lainey," he whispered after they'd shared their more formal, public vows. He slid the simple gold band onto his wife's finger. "I love you too, Hugo Pseudo," Lainey breathed.

Hugo couldn't wait any longer. Without further ceremony he swept Lainey up in his arms and planted a giant kiss on her beaming face. "Woohoo!" somebody hollered as the guests burst into thunderous applause. "No, that comes later!" somebody else shouted. The crowd dissolved into laughter.

"Now I really feel old," Orikes complained to her husband. "Well, yes," Will said placatingly. "But just think--soon there will be grandchildren running around under our feet!" "Speaking of that," Orikes chuckled. "I don't think we'll have long to wait. I don't think it was nerves that had Lainey running to the bathroom every five minutes this morning." "You don't say," Will beamed. "Well, that didn't take long." "Didn't take us long either, I recall," Orikes shot him a fond look.

A few helpful guests quickly set up tables and pushed the chairs around them while Orikes and Will opened the buffet. It was a very congenial meal. "U can has baybeez?" Shere Khan asked pointedly. "Oh, we haven't even thought about that yet," Hugo shrugged. Will wisely said nothing. "Besides, are not such questions considered rude in this culture?" Lainey asked. "Well, yeah," Green shrugged from the other side of Hugo. "But that doesn't stop people from asking them!" "Inquisitive cat has no use for your cultural foibles. Moar caek plz."

The party wound down before nightfall and Orikes and Will absconded to visit Nick and Green with Liv, leaving Hugo and Lainey alone for their first night as a married couple. Surprisingly, the very first thing Hugo did was sit down and look for a job. He didn't have a particular one in mind, as his lifetime goals were more in line with having children, but he did want to be a good provider and it didn't take him long to find something suitable.

As for Lainey, she settled into domesticity with a vengeance. "Aw, geez," Hugo burst out laughing when he saw his bride clad in a very matronly apron. "Who're you trying to fool, Lainey? I'm surprised you didn't beat me to the computer to look for a job!" "I already checked this morning, Hugo Pseudo," Lainey said primly. "Are you sure you are not hungry? I am fam--" Suddenly her face changed and she bolted from the room, plate of salmon still in hand.

She spent a very miserable couple of hours in the bathroom. Still, something her mother had told her clued her in.

"Hugo Pseudo," Lainey said hesitantly, finding her husband eating cookies in the kitchen. "Yes? Feeling better?" "More than better," she glowed. "We are going to be parents!" Hugo's answer to that was to scoop Lainey up in his arms with an excited whoop and dash off to the bedroom, but we won't follow them there. Every newlywed couple deserves some privacy.

"So, they've figured it out, huh?" Will said to his wife a few days later as they 'fed' the fish in the upstairs bathroom. "Took 'em long enough." "Now, Will," Orikes said reproachfully. "We were like that ourselves. It's three quarters inexperience and one quarter denial." "De Nile is a river in Egypt." "Oh, hush."

Well, denial wouldn't do Lainey much good in the days that followed. It wasn't long before she was almost as big as a house--and deliriously happy.

"Nellie, you don't look anything like your parents do," Green chuckled as he scratched the youngest 'child' of his household behind the ears. "But I'm glad we decided to keep you, and your brother and sister will go to a good home, I'll see to that." Nell-the-dog just barked happily. She didn't know where her brother and sister were, and it didn't really bother her anyway that they were gone. It just meant that there was that much less competition for attention from her Master.

Of course, she was going to have a bit more competition in the near future. Liv stopped by during her week-long visit for Hugo's wedding, both to spend time with her uncles and their furkids and to discuss the upcoming renovations.

"We've got three sets of plans," Nick nodded, gesturing to the easel he'd set up beside the table. "Green and I are both partial to option 'B', but since you're the one who will be living here the longest, we're leaving it up to you."

"Just take your time before you make your decision," he added. "These kinds of renovations aren't cheap, and we want you to be happy."

"Well," Liv said, pursing her lips thoughtfully. "I kind of like all three of them. But I agree with you, Uncle Nick. Option 'B' is the nicest. It'll cost a bit more, but I'll be able to get a good job when I graduate so that's not really an issue." "Great," Nick beamed. "I'll call the contractors first thing in the morning."

While Liv flew back from Pirate Island to Paris, Shere Khan was already there and extremely busy in his lab. He'd been running tests on the genetic samples he'd taken from Ash, Sinjin, and Sawyer, and it looked like he finally had a conclusive result.

"Inishul distubring results DO NOT WANT." With a sigh, he programmed one last subroutine to run. Best to be sure. Before he could start the instrument, however, he realized that he wasn't alone in the lab.

"Shere Khan!" Crassus Toyonaga said excitedly. "Good, you're still here! I need your help." "O hai. Helpful cat is helpful," Shere Khan shrugged, standing up and saving his work. "What u wantings?" "It's with my experiment to cure zombieism," Crassus said. "I've got it mostly figured out, but I can't get the actual codon I need spliced into the retrovirus."

"Show," Shere Khan said, ushering Crassus into the chair. Crassus quickly tapped a series of commands into the computer, and the instrument whirred as Shere Khan's samples were switched out and Crassus' were switched in. "I see what u did der," Shere Khan said, leaning over Crassus' shoulder. "Splicin'--ur doin it rong. I fix." He tapped a few keys in sequence. The machine whirred, and a light that had been blinking red suddenly switched to green.

"You did it!" Crassus cried gleefully, leaping to his feet and barreling towards Shere Khan. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" "Is no problem," Shere Khan shrugged. "R u dun nao?" "I think so," Crassus said. He extracted two vials from the machine and cradled them to his chest. "Thanks again, Shere Khan. You're a lifesaver. Literally."

A short time later, the aroma of spoiled cheese permeated the campus as Crassus welcomed his father Sejanus for a visit. Sejanus was a mute zombie, and Crassus had been working tirelessly to find a cure for his father's affliction.

"So what's new? Why did you want me to visit? Not that I'm not happy to visit my favorite younger son," Sejanus signed rapidly. "I've got something to show you, dad," Crassus could barely contain his excitement. "Really?" "Yeah," Crassus said. He stood up and reached into his pocket.

"Here, dad," He said, presenting a large wrapped box to his father. "What's this?" the zombie blinked in confusion. "It's a cure, dad!" Crassus practically shouted. "I managed to find a cure for zombieism! Well, Shere Khan did some of it, but still... it's my research and it'll fix you!"

"That's amazing!" Sejanus signed, his jaw dropping. With trembling hands he took the box and put it in his inventory. "I don't know how I can thank you, Crassus." "Just take it and live," Crassus smiled. "Grow old with mom, okay? It's freaky that she's a vampire." "Should I wait for you to graduate first?" "No," Crassus said hastily. "It might spoil before then. You should take it right away!" With a mumbling sigh, Sejanus nodded to show he understood.

Then he threw his arms around his son and held him tightly for several minutes. "Aw, you're welcome," Crassus blushed. "You would have done it for me. I love you, dad--now go home and get better."

Across campus, the smell of cheese evidently inspired our favorite heiress to stop for pizza on her way home from class. "Hey, Liv!" she cried as she walked through the door. "I've got food!" "Great!" Liv responded in an equally loud voice. "I'm famished!" Such an event occurred at least twice a week at Arravast Greek house, or so it often seemed to the more frequent visitors.

The Cow Mascot, for one, enjoyed the pizza fix and usually stopped by to mooch a piece or two. She found that it gave her burps that extra bit of piquancy.

Liv was generally not amused. Laissez-faire she might be, but she wasn't gross. Nor was she turned on by grossness.

In fact, the one item in the house that was guaranteed to bring amusement to Liv was the fish tank. It wasn't as big or as colourful as the one in her parents' bathroom, but it would do while she was at university. "I'm gonna get ya, fishie!" she screeched gleefully as her clam-hands chased the fish around the tank. "That can't be good for them," Shih observed, walking through the room. "It is!" Liv insisted. "It helps them get their exercise. Swimming is good for the heart."

But a lot of the time, Liv found that she was not all that amused. She hadn't expected Shih to be a stick-in-the-mud, but her favorite cousin was so absorbed in her studies that she rarely had time to help Liv plan the parties Arravast was famous for. The youngest of the first circle of Buccaneers wasn't even entertained by running off to campus and stealing furniture. "I'm BORED!" she announced to no one in particular.

"I can help with that," the more than slightly nasty ghost of Tosha McCullogh hissed as she floated greenly through the air. "Want to get scared? Pee your pants? Join me in ignominious death?" "Err, I'll pass," Liv said hastily. She shoved the couch back into her inventory and went inside to bother the fish some more.

Ching Shih completely missed out on that exchange, though as a Knowledge sim she would have enjoyed the chance to "meet" a ghost. And by meet, I mean "have the pee scared out of her". She was too busy for that, though. Ching Shih spent all of her spare time skilling like mad--she was determined to meet her lifetime want before she graduated university, and she was running out of time in which to do so.

But finally, there came a day where she put down her book, looked up, and simply stated, "I'm done." Good job, Ching Shih! You should be proud! "I am proud, Goddess," she said, staring uncannily in my direction. "I wish you wouldn't spy, though. Do you spy when Jim's visiting?" I see all. "That's just a little creepy. Anyway, I want to be a Ballerina now."

That's an ... interesting ... change. "Yeah. I thought it would be a nice change." Well, whatever floats your boat. You should get to bed, though--Jim's coming over in the morning. "Yay!" And with that, she scampered off to bed, though it's doubtful whether she got any sleep.

"Jim's coming over and Shih's finally stopped studying," Liv said to herself first thing the next morning. "That means it's time for a Toga Party!" Quickly, she placed a call.

It wasn't long before the house was filled with the sound of music and laughter. Everybody who had yet to graduate and who had at least a minimal connection to Pirate Island was invited and told to bring a friend.

Even Shere Khan stopped by for a few minutes. "Hey bro!" Shih said cheerfully, giving her future brother-in-law a warm hug. "How's things at the lab?" "Invisible Shih is missed," Shere Khan acknowledged. "Why u playin at drama nao? U wuz gud science-monkey." "I decided I want to be a ballerina," Shih said with a shrug. "But if you need any more help with your research, just give me a call. I can still pipet with the best of them." "Thanks," Shere Khan said. "But visible data is visible. I has results nao."

"Is funny," he grinned when Shih prodded him for more information. "All pplz can has kittehs nao. Stupid guineh pig is stupid--he eated the cookie when he hadz plague." "Are you going to tell people?"

"Guess so," Shere Khan shrugged. "After happy bellz. I can has press conference!" "Well that's responsible of you," Shih said. She gestured towards the door. "Want to come in? There's a party in full swing in there. I'm just out here 'cause my cell reception sucks in the house and Jim's flight got delayed. He's supposed to call and tell me when he'll be here." "I has examz," Shere Khan said sorrowfully. "Is can be finals yet? See you at da weddingz." "I suppose," Shih said regretfully. "Well, it's only a few weeks away. You're leaving right after exams?" "It can be hugz tiem den," Shere Khan said. "Patient Zing is patient." "Gotcha," Shih said. She hugged Shere Khan again. "Call me when you get settled, then. You're family too, you know."

The next morning, a very tired Jim finally arrived at Arravast house.

He and Ching Shih didn't waste any time getting 'reacquainted'.

"And am I correct in assuming you two lovely ladies are finished with exams for the semester?" Jim asked smoothly as he gratefully dug into the breakfast Shih had prepared. "Yeah, we're all done," Liv said happily. "I am not a morning person. I was almost late!" "And did you, in fact, attend your exam while wearing your pajamas?" Jim asked pointedly. "What if I did?" Liv giggled. "Nobody complained. 'Sides, I think Aunt Susanna used to go in her underwear."

"Wouldn't catch me doing that," Shih said, blushing. "I should like to," Jim purred. "Eww," Liv grumbled. "Why don't you two get a room or something?" Both Shih and Jim put down their forks without saying a word, got up, and silently left the room. "I didn't mean that literally!" Liv complained, but she laughed, strolled over to the phone, and called up a date of her own.

Later that day, Shih and Jim found themselves in the downstairs rec room. "Challenge you to a game," Shih said, flashing pearly whites at her fianc��. "I can see where I'm outclassed," the llama mascot said, his voice muffled by the fabric of his costume. "The table's all yours. I'm gonna go flirt with Liv." "Good luck with that."

"So the semester is ended," Jim said, eyeing Shih with frank admiration. "You have not yet told me what your plans are for the summer, beloved."

"Oh, I haven't thought about it that much," Shih said, stretching across the pool table to take her shot. "Liv's heading back to the Island. I thought I'd stay here a little longer and just head down for Zing's wedding." "Would you welcome my company?"

Shih gave him a Look. "What do you think, love? Stay here all by myself for six weeks or stay here with you for six weeks. Hmm... decisions, decisions."

"You had not invited me yet," Jim said. "I wondered if perhaps you were getting tired of me." "I wasn't sure if you would be able to stay so long," Shih retorted. "I am a teacher," Jim shrugged. "I have the summer off."

"Well then, of course I want you to stay!" Shih said in exasperation. "Do I really need to prove to you how much I love you?" "Well... it would be nice," Jim smiled wickedly.

Liv left for the airport a short time later, and Shih and Jim headed upstairs to fall asleep together. It's pretty safe to say, he was suitably reassured. That's it for Part 1 -- don't stop now, head over to read Part 2!
