An Official Wacky Boolprop Challenge: Chapter 2



Angelica goes to Twikkii Island to find a husband. The Sims 2 OWBC challenge. Check out Boolprop for more information about the challenge-

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Part II of the Zero Generation

My OWBC game; a fair but Fun Challenging Challenge

– Hopefully not too challenging. XD

When I left the last Chapter, Angelica had dug up a map to Twikkii Island. That means it’s where she has to find her a husband.

After digging up a 5k treasure chest, she can now afford the trip… Off she goes!

“Where’s my luggage? It has my Gnome and the 3 Flamingos.”

“Hellooooo, new Guest.”

“Sigh. How wonderful; a new guest who is vacationing on our wonderful island; full of sunsets and night swims. Oh, the romance of it all.”

“Yes. I’m so glad you called. Of course I have time, this person can wait to register… Yes, we have a pool...”

Oh, come on. He made her stand there a full Sim half hour. O.O

“Thank you for waiting. We have maid service to clean up every day and our room service is exceptional.”


I don’t know how long it will take her to find a guy. It could cost more than she has… dig, Angelica, dig! XD

“Wha? Does that mean something?”

I don’t know if I should let her learn it… then I realized her hubby/boyfriend will definitely know it.

~I wanted a picture of the food stand… you’re in your own picture~

“I’m good, right?”

~Dear Diary. The food was so delicious I had to hold myself back and eat like a lady~

“Mmffm… shut up… Mmmggf!”

I thought she was going to fall out of it. Lol!

This is where she was so happy the game told me the trip was worth every penny. XD

“What is she doing with this camera in my face?”

~Maybe she’s going to tweet it to her friends so they can all have a good laugh~ XD

“Oh, shut up.” =P

~Look! A guy- Finally… run, Angelica, run before he leaves~

She was taking a shower when he finally walked onto the lot.


That’s my Sim. Show him your style. XD

“You must have missed me… I said, “Hey!”

~Oh, I’m sure he didn’t miss you~

“Hang loose, babe.”


They have one bolt. We can work with that. I also think he’s a romance Sim- he wants to earn a body point.

~New Sim alert!~

“Hey, babe.”

She tries so hard… XD

There were arguments breaking out… I saw red negatives all over the place.

“If he talks to me in that tone again and I’ll show him my left right combo.”

“Da-aad.” XD

“I’m a Libra.”

“Oh… I’m a Sagittarius.”

“Sweet. Bye babe.”

He decides to leave… just turned and walked off the lot. =[

They have two bolts. Yay!

Then the fights really broke out. I don’t know what was going on. O.O

Angelica didn’t care. She was hungry and couldn’t wait to stuff her face with more food.

She combed the beach for shells and built the worst sandcastle I ever saw.

“It’s dark out and I lost my pail.”

“Hang loose, babe.”

Oh, Goody. He came back… what is his name? Crud, I forgot. =[

“Hawt? No. I don’t like my babes in swimsuits.”

“You don’t?”

“I don’t like fat babes either.”

“Two out of three isn’t bad. How about we go on a date?”

~That’s the way. We don’t have much time here~

“Son, you look like a smart boy. You like the island life? You see yourself staying here… on our island?”

“Mister, I just work where I’m told.”

“Hmm… I guess we can go out.”


~No second thoughts. Get him!~

So they had a water balloon fight on their smexy first date.

It was off to the hot springs for hot tubbing fun. =[

“Hang loose, babe.”

He looks like a chicken there.

“I mean, sure I want to make out and all but there’s just no way in this hot tub.”

“You want to make out now, babe?”

~Not yet, she doesn’t ~

“Your eyes are just the best shade of some color in the dark.”

Aww, their first kiss… although they’re not moving very fast in the relationship department. =/

First date was a Dream Date! = 1 of 50

~Don’t say it. He’s looking at you~ O.O

Always fix up the hotels before they go on vacation. -She’s got to learn some Mechanical.

The looks these two are giving each other, they must be family. I wonder if they’re father/son.

Okay, there they go. It’s a family vacation from Hell-o.

She’s got 3 mechanical points now; it was time to go to the Mystery Lot.

“Hi, Witch Doctor; Looks to me like you’re having some problems here. Maybe I can help you?”

“Hmf.. he just says he’d appreciate it and walks to his hammock to relax. No chit chat, no nice to meet you.”

I made sure to clean up the water even though it’s not right in front of any appliances.

But it doesn’t help one bit. O.O

She stood there getting fried and I thought my game was over. =’[

But she lived. She liiiived! =D

3 servings of jello…

…a nice bath in a broken tub…

…lots of espresso….

…and she tried again.

~Sigh~ I sat back in my chair and waited for Grim. She stood there flashing and sparking up a storm. =[

But she made it…. She’s even in better shape than the first time. I’m shocked. O.O

I had her move to the other appliances and leave the microwave for last.



~Holds breathe~ All Done! XD

“You did a great job. Thank you so much, babe.”

“You’re so welcome. It was super easy. I have 3 mechanical skills you know.” XD

“I mean, a little shock here… a little singe there. My clothes burned to nothing.”

“You’re saying it wasn’t easy for you?”

“Oh, sure it was nothing. The TV itself was tricky. It smoked and it sparked at me.”

“Okay, okay…”

“Shut up already. I get it. It was very hard on you. Here, take this reward. It’s got great powers.”

“A present wrapped in a red bow that has powers? Sure, thanks, I guess.”

“Sheesh, babes these days.”

“She didn’t leave me any counter space to make cereal.”


On the way down the path I thought, why not dig here.

~Woot! You dug up another treasure~

“Yippy. Can I go now?”

~No. I thought I’d test your luck and see what you can catch~

“Great. I’ll just stand out here wearing burnt clothes and fish. Yay, me.”

~Fine, go home~

LOl~ Look! You magically get your clothes back and your hair is fine again. XD

“It must be magical here.”

“Sign me out, Bellboy. And you; Are you the maid?”

“Yes, I’m the maid at this fine establishment on our beautiful island.”

“You stink as a maid. You didn’t clean my room once. You wouldn’t even make my bed.”

“I’m sorry, ma’am. Turn down service is extra.”

“Here you go, ma’am. Please sign out and pay your bill. You’re late for the daily checkout so we charged you for today.”


“Hmm… I smell the sweet scent of success. You’ve found a husband.”

End of Chapter 2 =]

She’s got a potential Sim mate from Twikkii Island and the game is going well. Next is to get him to move in.

Thanks so much for reading. I hope you liked it. XD