Collocations exercises and answers


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The meeting took almost five hours so it was impossible to ............................................... attention all the


The problem is difficult to .......................................

under control.

It took us all day to clean up the office after the burglary - the

thieves ................................. a terrible mess.

I don't think we should ...................................... a

decision yet; we should wait.

Only 31% of the students who ........................................

the final exam passed it.

I think we should look for a new supplier - the one we have at the

moment ................................ us too many problems.

Could you ................................................. me a

favour and post these letters on your way home?

I've told him ten times that he's got the wrong telephone number. I'll

.................................... crazy if they call again.

The company offers its employees free language training but not many

people ............................ advantage of it.

Our personnel assistant is leaving next month -

she's ................................................. a baby.


He .......................................... laughing when he

realised his mistake.

He assured me he was ....................... sure where the house was.

We didn't arrange to meet. It was ...................................

coincidence that I saw him.

Please! I'm trying to work here. Don't my ...........................

time with stupid questions!

He had to go to the hospital because it was a

very ................................................. cut.

Our neighbour is a very................................... smoker - 2

packets a day.

We managed to get up the steep hill only because our car is

very ...........................................

I don't know him that well. He's only

a ................................ acquaintance.

I'm an honest and ...................................... citizen.

Do you know where we are? If you ask me, we are ...................



There's a ............................................balance between

success and failure.

My camera was stolen from my bag at the airport so I a claim on

my ............................. insurance.

The police gave a ....................................................

description of what had happened.

I wasn't dressed for the occasion. I felt ...........................

out of place.

The chances of England winning the next World Cup are ................

unlikely, I'm afraid.

We are ............................. a lot of problems at the moment.

Reports that he earns more than $5m a year are ......................


Michael: Did you enjoy the play?      Sue: No, I didn't. It was ............................... boring.

I'm overweight and completely out of ................................ . I really should start getting some

exercise again.

He speaks with a ....................................... Liverpool accent. Some of my American colleagues have trouble understanding what he's talking about.


1. He stopped to __________ the view.1.   watch2.   see3.   admire4.   look

2. A few stones are all that __________ of the abbey.1.   remain2.   keep3.   leave4.   stay

3. Lettuces have been cultivated in Spain since __________ times.

1.   ancient2.   vintage3.   antique4.   old

4. They caught a __________ glimpse of Angelina Jolie through the window.

1.   rapid2.   brief3.   quick4.   fast

5. Castles are a __________ sight in Spain.1.   typical2.   usual3.   frequent4.   common

6. Everybody __________ the atmosphere there.1.   liked2.   delighted in3.   admired4.   enjoyed

7. The general __________ shows a steep fall in house prices.1.   average2.   fashion3.   mode4.   trend

8. The discovery was met with __________ joy.1.   sheer2.   much3.   big4.   great

9. Cutting out sugar from his diet was __________ on his list.1.   high2.   up3.   big4.   top

10. The serious health problems caused by sugar are generally __________with disbelief.

1.   heard2.   met3.   found4.   seen

11. Carl Sagan's Cosmos is one of the greatest documentary films of __________ time.

1.   all2.   complete3.   entire4.   whole

12. They __________ a great success of their new small business.

1.   tried2.   managed3.   made4.   did

13. The weather __________ an important part in their victory.

1.   took2.   did3.   played4.   made

14. The robbery __________ important questions about security.

1.   caused2.   raised3.   did4.   made

15. The white leather sofa __________ the entire length of the room.

1.   went2.   fell3.   ran4.   was

16. His mother supplied an endless __________ of tea and cakes.

1.   stream2.   gamut3.   range4.   selection

17. The incident marked a __________ point in her life.1.   changing2.   notable3.   turning4.   remarkable

EX. 5

1. My grandfather was a …………………. smoker, so few people were surprised when he died of oral cancer.

a) serial

b) heavy

c) big

2. She was a / an ……………………. wife who loved her husband more than anything else in the whole universe.

a) devoted

b) sincere

c) intelligent

3. I always avoid his company because he is a crashing ……………………..

a) bore

b) nuisance

c) guy

4. It is a golden ………………………… If you miss it, you will regret it.

a) chance

b) opportunity

c) offer

5. She seemed quite interested in buying that house, but at the last moment, she changed her …………………..

a) mind

b) thoughts

c) offer

6. Although I was …………………. annoyed by her attitude, I said nothing.

a) moderately

b) lightly

c) slightly

7. Could you …………………. the oil?

a) inspect

b) check

c) test

exercise to test your memory: collocations with make, do, have and take.

Practice 1

1. I'm..........................................................a party at the weekend. Would you like to come?

2. She's always .....................................................promises, but then she always breaks them!

3. The wedding will in a local registry office.

4. I wish I was .......................................................................more progress with my English.

5. I never .....................................................................part in team sports at school.

6. It's mean to of people.

7. What are you holding? Can I ...............................................................a look?

8. I think I‘ve .............................................................this exercise completely wrong.

9. Would you mind a favour and driving me to the doctor's?

10. The murderer .................................................. a complete confession to the police last night.

11. We were just ............................................ a chat when his jealous girlfriend started shouting at me.

12. Please don't get angry, I don't want to .................................................... an argument about this.

Practice 2

You might also get this tested in the Key Transformations. Rewrite these sentences using 2-5 words. Be very careful that you keep the tenses the same!!!

1. I found it difficult to understand his accent. (trouble)

I ................................................................. his accent.

2. He complained to the manager about the terrible food. (made)

He ................................................................ to the manager about the terrible food.

3. Please look after my little sister for me. (of)

Please ........................................................... my little sister for me.

4. There's no hurry - please don't rush. (time)

There's no hurry – please ..................................

5. You should ignore him. (notice)

You should ...................................................... him.

6. My house was seriously damaged in the earthquake. (lot)

The earthquake ................................................... to my house.

7. She's earning a lot of money in her new job. (fortune)

She her new job.

8. I tried really hard to explain the problem to her. (best)

I ......................................................... the problem to her.

9. You're too loud. Please be quiet. (noise)

You .............................................................. please be quiet.

10. I'm researching the life of Queen Victoria for my master's degree. (research)

I .............................................................the life of Queen Victoria for my master's degree.

11. My sister and I are completely different. (common)

I sister.

12. I've been on a diet for 6 weeks, but I'm still the same weight. (difference)

My diet has ....................................................... my weight.

EX1. Answers

1pay 2 keep 3 made 4 make 5 took 6 causes

7 do 8 go 9 take 10 expecting

EX.2 answers

1 burst out 2 quite 3 pure 4 waste 5 deep 6 heavy

7 powerful 8 casual 9 law-abiding 10 totally

EX.3 answers

1 fine 5 made 3 brief

4 totally 5 highly 6 facing 7 grossly 8 extremely 9 shape 10 broad


1 C 2 a 3 A 4 B 5 C 6 D 7 D 8 D

9 A 10 B 11 A 12 C 13 C 14 B 15 C

16 A/d 17 C

Collocations exercise

Ex.5 answers

1. My grandfather was a heavy smoker, so few people were surprised when he died of oral cancer.

2. She was a devoted wife who loved her husband more than anything else in the whole universe.

3. I always avoid his company because he is a crashing bore.

4. It is a golden opportunity. If you miss it, you will regret it.

5. She seemed quite interested in buying that house, but at the last moment, she changed her mind.

6. Although I was slightly annoyed by her attitude, I said nothing.

7. Could you check the oil?

PRACTISE 1 answers
