Disturbing your comfort zones!


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atty. lea s. joaquin


Luke 9:23

• And He said to them, “If

anyone wants to come

with me, he must forget

himself, take up his cross

everyday and follow ME”

atty. lea s. joaquin

atty. lea s. joaquin

COMFORT ZONES They are our living, work and social

environments that we have grown accustom

to. It determines the type of friends we make

or people we associate with. It determines a

life style we accept or reject.

It is the term used to denote a type of mental

conditioning resulting in artificially created

mental boundaries within which an individual

derives a sense of security.

Source: www. motivation-tools.com/elements/comfort.zone.htm

atty. lea s. joaquin

in other words….

our comfort zones are the areas in which

we feel comfortable…they protect

personal comfort…they more likely

involve personal preferences as what is

comfortable to one is uncomfortable to


atty. lea s. joaquin

The realities about comfort zones:

Often times, it restrict God’s work and purposes

Spiritual growth specializes in violating comfort zones

More often than not, GOD wants us to leave our comfort zones

Source: Getting Out of Our Comfort Zones by Rev. David Massey

atty. lea s. joaquin

1. Noah

• Noah is comfortable with his life (No faults; the only good man in his time; Genesis 6: 9-10)

• God asked him to come out of his comfort zones. God asked him to build an ark as He is about to destroy every living being on earth. (Genesis 6: 13-21)

• Noah’s Response: Noah did everything that God commanded (verse 22)

• Result: Noah and his sons were blessed by God (Genesis 9)

atty. lea s. joaquin

2. Abram/Abraham

• Abram leads a comfortable life. After his father died he became the clan’s leader. He is respected and obeyed. He is comfortable. (Genesis 11:31)

• God asked Abram to get out of his comfort zone. (Genesis 12: 1-5)

• Abram’s Response: (Genesis 12: 4-5)

• Result: Abram became “Abraham” (Genesis 17: 5) He was blessed by God and he became a blessing to the world.

atty. lea s. joaquin

3. Nehemiah

• He worked at the king’s palace as the wine

steward. He leads a comfortable life.

(Nehemiah 1:11b)

• God asked him to leave his comfort zone.

God gave him a deep concern for Jerusalem.

• His Response: He obeyed God. He went out

of his comfort zones and return to Jerusalem

• Result: He was able to rebuild the wall of

Jerusalem; he was able to unite God’s

people. Surely, he was blessed by God.




atty. lea s. joaquin

God leads you outside your

comfort zone so you can

experience HIS protection

• Matthew 2:21-23

• God directed Joseph to Egypt, and

then to Nazareth, to protect his


• When God leads you out of your

comfort zone, he may be doing it to

protect you and your family.atty. lea s. joaquin

God leads you outside your

comfort zone to stretch your


• God wants you to see the world

through his eyes.

• God wants to lead you to a new

level of usefulness.

atty. lea s. joaquin

God leads you outside your

comfort zone so you can learn

to depend on HIM.

• Matthew 2:13

• Joseph was in a position in which he had to

put all of his trust in God, and remain

focused on hearing God’s voice.

• During those times that we are forced out of

our comfort zone, we have the opportunity

to hear God’s voice more clearly than ever

before, to experience his presence more

powerfully than ever before.

atty. lea s. joaquin

Lessons Learned:

Do not allow “your comfort zones” to restrict God’s work and purposes

Allow God to change us so that our comfort zones will include everything that comes from God and expresses itself in Jesus Christ

God takes us out from our comfort zones at times to help refine us. He has to turn up the heat to remove the impurities in us.

atty. lea s. joaquin

Lessons Learned:

Remember, to serve Christ

costs everything. There is an

element of risk involved but

Jesus called us out of our

comfort zones when he tells us

“to take up your cross and

follow me”


• Whenever we first break through a

comfort zone, we will probably feel

uncomfortable at first. But not long

after we make the change, we

experience a new-found freedom

on the other side. Then we wonder

why we didn't break through

sooner.atty. lea s. joaquin

atty. lea s. joaquin


Do you want to serve GOD?

Let us leave our comfort zones and wear our faith on our sleeves. Let us speak up on behalf of our Lord.

And when you feel weak, remember what the Lord said in 2 Corinthians 12:9

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness”



atty. lea s. joaquin

atty. lea s. joaquin

• "God places many of His

blessings outside of our

comfort zones, then asks us

to come get them." --Kent

Crockett (Kent Crockett,

The 911 Handbook,

Peabody, MA: Hendrickson

Publishers, 2003, 67)

• The time spent outside

our comfort zone gives

God the opportunity to

make us what he wants

us to be.

atty. lea s. joaquin

atty. lea s. joaquin

God Bless!!!
