How to Carve a Pumpkin


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How to Carve a Pumpkin

Yesterday in class ,we did something fun! We carved a pumpkin for Halloween.

Before we could we start carving our pumpkin, we had to gather our materials. First we need a sharp pointy knife . Next we need a black sharpie. Then we need a big medal spoon. After that we need a large medium bowl. Finally we need a basketball sized pumpkin. Now we need a candle.

N ow we are ready to carve a

pumpkin. F irst we need to cut a circle

the size of a softball around the stem.

N ext open the pumpkin’s top. T hen we

need to get the nasty grouse guts and goo

out of the pumpkin . N ow get the guts

and dump it in the large medium sized


T hen use the black sharpie marker to

draw the face of the pumpkin. A fter that

we need to draw two big triangle eyes in the

front of the pumpkin. N ext draw a big

smile with two square on the top of the

pumpkin for the mouth . L ast draw an

upside down triangle for the nose in the

middle of the pumpkin.

N ow we are ready to carve our pumpkin.

F irst carve the two triangle eyes on the line. T hen

carve the upside down triangle nose in the middle of the

pumpkin. A fter that carve a happy mouth with two

teeth on the top and one tooth on the bottom of the

pumpkin. L ast open the top and put a candle inside

the pumpkin. T hen put the top back on the pumpkin.

O ur pumpkin turned out cool and scary.

W e had a fun time carving our pumpkin.

H appy H alloween!
