How to Edit Windows Host File on Windows 7 PC


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How to Edit Host

File in Windows 7 Operating



Olawale Daniel

Open the computer Local Disk (C://)


For more information about editing your HOST FILE, please read the article published on the blog below.


Navigate to Windows


Go over to “System32”


Select “drivers” in the list


Double-click “etc”


This is your Host file


Open the application with WordPad because it has default ADMIN access.WWW.TECHATLAST.COM

Double-click “etc” to open. A popup screen will open asking you to select the right program for opening the program, just select WORDPAD in the list (it is a default computer content editing application).


In the WordPad application, kindly edit and paste the right IP address of websites that you wanted to add into the HOST file in a line as it is shown in the video or in the image in this video session.e.g. or any others WWW.TECHATLAST.COM

You must edit your host content in the line displayed below so that your computer can start working perfectly again, or so

that you can be able to access some restricted websites on the internet.


Re-type the link given below into your computer address bar to directly navigate to where you will edit your host file instead of following the steps below.

If you want to get a direct link to the page on your windows computer; here’s the direct URL for getting your host file on Windows 7 operating system.

Just type in this location in your address bar:C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc

That was the question that I was asked few years ago before TechAtLast came into existence.

But, thank God, I have been able to provide the right answer to that question with the success of the blog.

Note that: You can’t turn back the time, but you can STILL TURN BACK TO GOD so that he can reshape your life for you. Remember that every minute and hour lost cannot be regained back.

So, do what is right at the right time and stop focusing on things that’ll not count at the end.

My prayer to you is that WE’LL ALL REACH OUR GOALS in LIFE. Amen.

Are Y0U fulfilling your DESTINY at all?


Produced and Designed by

Olawale Daniel
