How To Fight Weekly Burnout


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How To Fight Weekly Burnout

MaidPro Tulsa

Create A Power Hour

A power hour is that hour when you first get to work where you knock out a significant amount of work. Find that perfect time where you mentally and physically get the most done. Use this time to your advantage.

Make You Time

This is easier said than done. Take time in the morning before the kids wake up, after work each night or when ever makes sense for you. Remember that you need time to shut down and unwind to reduce stress. Schedule you time.

Say No

Don’t take on more than you can handle. Say no. If a task interferes with you time, say no.

Fuel Right

What we eat affects our energy levels. Eat food that fuels your brain and your body.

Work Your Check List

A checklist can help you prioritize. Never assume you’ll remember everything that has to get done. Life is busy. Let your checklist keep you on track.

A clean home means more you time.
