How To Generate A Self Sustaining Feedback Loop


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Positive Feedback


Whenever you do any kind of planning or manifesting, it's always recommended to have a positive expectation.

If you think you'll fail, you will increase your chances of that happening.

Say you go in for a job interview, and you don't think you'll do well.

This will decrease your enthusiasm, which will have a negative effect on how you present yourself.

Of course, this will decrease the chances you get the job, making your negative expectations come true.

On the other hand, if you've got positive expectations, and really imagine yourself having the job, then you'll be much more outgoing,

confident and articulate.

Things interviewers love to see.

However, this won't guarantee you get the job.

Sure, it will increase your chances.

But what if everybody else who's interviewing is doing the same thing?

This is one of the problems with holding a positive expectation.

If it doesn't happen right away, it's very easy to get discouraged, angry and resentful.

Expecting to get something, and then not getting it, feels VERY similar to getting cheated.

It's the same, on an emotional level, as somebody making a promise to you that is based on pure lies.

I'm sure you've heard that old saying, "Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst."

Thing about those old sayings is there's a reason they've been around for a while.

How do you implement them? How do you continue to maintain a positive expectation when odds are you'll run into problems, difficulties

and obstacles no matter what?

One is to take on the mindset of responsibility.

One of the reasons we feel cheated when things don't work out, is we still have the mindset of "receiving something" rather than "earning


Often times, we feel like we're supposed to put in a certain amount of work and then the "universe" is supposed to "give us" a prize for our


Kind of like being a little kid playing some game at a birthday party.

Think of something that you KNOW is totally under your control.

When things don't go the way you'd hoped, you step back and do something different.

This is pretty much the underlying structure of ALL human behavior.

Action, feedback, increased information, more action.

This is true for huge life dreams, like creating a lucrative career.

This is true for very small things, like finding our way to the bathroom in the dark in a friends house.

To remove the sting of not getting what you want, think in terms of creating, rather than simply being a passive receiver.

Not only will it make things much easier, but because you'll have much more control, you'll be able to create a LOT more.

