Hues Legacy Chapter 8


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Welcome back to another chapter of the color-themed Hues Legacy, a joint legacy between Haleigh/meadowthayer and me, Roxanne/Taube. When we left off, little Lime had been sent into aspiration failure by the death of his grandmother and best friend, Lilly Hues. Luckily, he had a whole bunch of wants for his daddy so he gets his aspiration raised while making best friends with Jim, and they both get their inheritance at the same time.

Despite Lilly’s death, the usual legacy business continues apace. For the kids, this means skilling, skilling, skilling. Forest and Emerald max their skills as kids. Forest finished just seconds before he ran out to greet his dad coming home from work, resulting in this funny picture where he’s spinning to put on outerwear while celebrating maxing cleaning.

Now that they’re free from skilling, the twins take turns getting to know their youngest brother in the playroom. It isn’t long before everyone is best friends with Lime.

Sky used to spend pretty much all day every day with Lilly, so he has a lot more time on his hands. Instead of relaxing on the bed with her for most of the day, he starts trying other activities. His apparent favorite to hang out with is Forest, who plays chess and horses around outside with him.

Sky is still down, though. He keeps rolling generic wants to fall in love or get married, which break my heart. When he finally rolls a want to get a puppy, a want that several of the kids have also, I feel like I need to indulge him. Thus, their puppy was adopted. Her name is Peach and so far she’s just a white puppy with yellow eyes. I picked her mostly because she had the best personality without being finicky.

Peach is adorable. To eat, she stuffs her whole face in the bowl.

Speaking of adorable, young master Lime has maxed his mechanical skill!

Oh, hey Lilly. You’re upset. We were pretty upset about your death too, especially your husband and Lime. Just, y’know, go easy on them, okay?

“Oh, I wouldn’t count on that.”

We’ve got a triple birthday tonight. Lime is turning into a child and Forest and Emerald are aging into teens. Lime goes first and then the twins follow.

Here’s Lime. He’s definitely got a touch of the family nose, more so than either of the twins especially, but it’s not nearly as bad as Sky’s was at this age, so I think Lilly and Jim are having some good influence on the nose genes. He’s actually quite cute. This will make it tough for Haleigh and I to decide who should be heir.

And here’s the twins. Emerald, who looked a little funky as a child, is quite pretty as a teenager, in my opinion. She rolled Popularity/Fortune as her aspiration.

Forest is Pleasure/Knowledge, an interesting combo and the one that the founder, Neon, had.

I sent Lime to bed immediately after his birthday because he was exhausted, but I later found him sleeping in his parent’s bed, thinking x’ed out thoughts of Lilly. Apparently she had scared him in his bed and he came in here for safety. Unfortunately, that didn’t work, and even as I watched him, Lilly scared him again. Rough birthday for the little guy.

Later that night. This bodes ill.

Sure enough, Lilly starts scaring the adults too. Rose isn’t in the pictures because she was too awake to go back to bed after she got scared, but when Jim tried to go back to sleep, he got scared again. Interestingly, Lilly followed Sky around for a little bit but never scared him.

And poor, poor Lime. I was a little worried he might pass out if this kept up. He couldn’t get five minutes of sleep at a time without Lilly scaring him. These pictures all look pretty similar because it’s the same bed that he kept going back to. The poor kid is one day into childhood and has already seen his grandmother’s ghost five times.

“Oh my god. It’s your mother again. She got me.”

“What’s that sweetie? I’ve got my earbuds in. Can’t hear you.”

Strangely, after this night of terror, Lilly never appeared again for the rest of the time she was on my computer. I guess she got it all out of her system in one night.

Peach is a good girl. After only one accident, she quickly picks up that she’s supposed to pee outside.

She also gets plenty of interaction from the family, even if that does mean being shoved through Emerald’s face.

“Hi! Just a reminder: we’re adorable!”

Yes, yes you two are.

Shamrock keeps his little brother company while Lime learns to do homework. I have the mod where they only get homework sometimes, but poor Shamrock gets it almost every day. He must goof off in school a lot.

Ooh la la, Forest brought a girl home and wants to make friend with her. Unfortunately for her, that means taking her to the graveyard and pelting her with a baseball. Not the friendliest move, Forest, but then you are quite the meanie. I’m also confused on why they went to the graveyard to play catch when there’s plenty of space in the front yard. Sims.

Forest and Emerald have about six or seven days to wait around until Lime grows up at this point, and they’re all done skilling, so they have a lot of free time. Emerald takes to watching movies while Forest becomes a bit of a pool shark and Shamrock and Lime study hard in the background.

Idle hands are the sim devil’s playground or something like that, so the twins get jobs. Plus their parents and Sky want them to be overachievers. Both Forest and Emerald go into the law field, starting at the very bottom as they’re still public school students. Oh, and nice tie, Forest. Very stylish. *snicker*

When they have time at home, Forest likes to smustle. He’s got quite the smustle face.

He’s also got a nasty habit of glitching through things while smustling. That cannot be comfortable. Talk about barking your shins on the coffee table.

Emerald joins in the dancing too. Naturally, they’re both really bad at first. The stereo is almost always on because I like a little background music, so there is often someone dancing in front of it. Meanwhile, despite the distraction, Lime and Shamrock continue to study hard at the other end of the room. Neither one of them is particularly fast, and it especially looks like Shamrock is not poised to finish his skills as a child like the twins did.

Emerald takes a shine to their very cute redheaded paperboy. If this were a regular legacy and she stayed on my computer, I would marry him in in a snap.

Instead, he’s just flirtation material to keep Emerald’s aspiration up while we all wait for Shamrock and Lime to grow up.

Um, that’s not good. Rose came home from work invisible. This happened once to Hieronymus Masterpiece, who was also Captain Hero at the time. I wonder if it’s a coincidence or related.

With Hiery, I forced errors on the entire lot with the batbox until he reset and reappeared. With Rose, I discovered that there’s actually a setting on the batbox for restoring invisible sims. Much easier than pressing ‘reset’ hundreds of times.

Rose tries to teach her still-clumsy twins how to dance more gracefully, but they prefer to dance around spastically still.

“Oh my god, please tell me this man is wearing pants. I don’t want to look down. Don’t look down. Just . . . he must be wearing pants, right?”

“And that’s why I think you should let my kids into your school. Uh, Headmaster, are you okay? You look strained.”

“Your grandchildren are accepted into our school, but I would like to advise you that pants AND shirts are required at all school functions.”

Poor Emerald. Her meanie brother gives her constant noogies, and then as soon as he’s done, she gets scared through him by Sinjin.

And he cheats at chess! It’s a good thing they’re on good terms with each other generally, because Forest gives Emerald a lot of reasons to be mad with him.

Gee, guys. Why so glum?

“It’s Saturday and we’re heading downstairs to study. We wanted to play instead.”

Shouldn’t have been born into a legacy, then.

Sky has started a new hobby of smustling in the downstairs bathroom. Do you know why? Cause I don’t.

Shamrock maxes another skill, but he’s definitely not going to finish by his birthday. Lime isn’t much faster, so they’re both spending a lot of time on the couch.

Forest continues to be Sky’s buddy and they play a lot of pool. They also find plenty of time to gossip about such scintillating topics as Rose getting married and Lime getting into private school. Shh! Don’t tell!

Peach grew up, and, to my delight, is actually peach. She also looks like a Basenji to me, which I find ridiculously adorable. Just look at that tail!

Emerald rolls the want for Peach to learn to come, so she teaches her the command.

Shamrock’s birthday has come. He still has one and a half skills to max, but it’s time to turn teen.

Well, like Lime, Shamrock has more of the family nose than the twins do, but I still find him rather charming. His aspiration is Family/Popularity. This is a guy that wants close friends and family.

Forest is a noogie machine. Emerald is his usual victim, but he finds a little time to work Shamrock in there too. He’s probably counting down the days until he can give Lime noogies too.

For some reason I really like pictures of all the kids in a family in their uniforms. I almost always take a shot like this, but this is definitely one of the better ones I’ve captured. Don’t they look nice?

Forest is ready for his second day of work and is still wearing that stupid tie. Shamrock got a job in Law too, as it came up on the computer and I thought it would be cute for all three of them to work the same job. Because they’re now private school students, Shamrock starts at the same level as where his older brother and sister currently are. This makes all three poised to become overachievers tonight.

“I got an A+ finally.”

Good job.

“So why’d you take a picture? We all get A+’s. Big deal.”

I usually miss the star but I captured it this time, so I just thought I’d share. Plus I like taking pictures of Lime, although not as much as Shamrock.

Emerald got a chance card and I chose poorly, resulting in her coming home early with a demotion. So much for being an overachiever tonight.

And then she does this, getting cataract-looking, apparently blood-tinged eyes. I’ve seen lots of eye glitches but not this particular one before. In my notes for this chapter, this slide simply says “wtf.”

Rose comes out to comfort her only daughter. They hang out until the boys come home from work.

Both Shamrock and Forest return home overachievers, making their relatives quite happy. Hopefully Emerald will join them eventually.

Shamrock and Lime continue to hammer away at their skills.

Meanwhile, Sky has single-handedly earned himself 8,000 points by smustling and warming up. Forest keeps rolling stupid pleasure sim wants so I bought him a bubble blower which I later sold back because it just doesn’t suit the wholesome family house. Bubble blowers belong on campus, but it was the easiest way to get Forest back into gold aspiration.

Forest loves to dance and has gotten considerably better at it. He also hulas a lot. Sinjin momentarily deters him but can’t stop the dancing. Forest gets up close and personal with an adult coworker he brought home with him, although . . . you do know that’s your aunt, right Forest?

“Oh, ew!”

With Forest busy, Sky returns to his bedroom to relax, trying not to mind the empty space next to him. It’s so sad when one elder dies long before the other one.

After some more work, Emerald is finally an overachiever!

Forest brought home a different girl today, and he actually has great chemistry with her. Unfortunately for them, their date takes place in the incredibly public living room, in plain sight of Forest’s parents and younger brothers.

With the aid of the thinking cap, Shamrock finally maxes his skills.

I was trying to save Forest’s first kiss, but when they ended the date, they leaned in for a kiss anyway, negating my efforts. Oh well. At least it was a dream date and made Forest extremely happy.

Sinjin! What the heck are you doing out? It’s like 3 in the afternoon, even if it is an overcast day. Get back to your tombstone right now!

Rose’s Dance Studio is now accepting townie kids.

The final birthday of this generation has come. Lime is ready to turn teen.

However, there’s an unexpected visitor at the party.

Sky is dying literally at the same time that Lime is growing up. This kid cannot catch a break with his grandparents dying, can he? Poor guy.

“C’mon Sky, it’s time to go.”

“Do I have to? There’s cake!”

“There’s cake in the afterlife too, and Lilly’s waiting to share it with you.”

“Oh, alright. Sorry, Lime.”

Here’s Lime after I got him out of that lime-colored vest. He’s quite cute, actually. He rolls pleasure/romance, making him the second pleasure sim this generation.

Emerald tries to get away from her grief by inviting her boy toy over for a date, but she can’t escape it and breaks down sobbing after a romantic hug. Awkward and sad.

Since Forest technically had his first kiss, I let Emerald catch up the proper way. She is able to go on with the date without too much crying.

The next day, Shamrock of course has homework, but so does Forest. Lime is finishing up his last skill before I ship him off to Haleigh. Jim is working. That leaves Emerald and Rose free for a game of pool.

And Lime has finally maxed his last skill, ending my turn.

Here’s a family portrait for you. Although they had a rough start, this family has gotten back to being good-looking again but can still improve from here.

Here’s our two potential heirs, Lime and Emerald. Who will be chosen? What direction will Haleigh take them on her turn? Will the eyes continue? Check back next time for more Hues!

As always, thanks for reading and catch up with us at SiMania!