Keyword Research



The following presentation would cover – Why Do We Need Keywords?What is Keyword Research?Advantages of Keyword ResearchKeyword Research ToolsTop Tips for Effective Keyword ResearchWhere you must use keyword phrases

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Keyword Research and Content Writing

The following presentation would cover –

Why Do We Need Keywords?

What is Keyword Research?

Advantages of Keyword Research

Keyword Research Tools

Top Tips for Effective Keyword Research

Where you must use keyword phrases

Why Do We Need Keywords

This site gets ZERO search engine traffic

This site gets SOME search engine traffic

This site gets LOTS of search engine traffic

What is Keyword Research?

Keyword Research can be defined as choosing the words, which describe your product or service as, seen from the viewpoint of your target market is the most important step in the optimization process.

Keyword Research is the process of defining the right mix of keywords, which are most likely to be used by potential customers at search engines and directories.

Keyword research consists of a variety of inputs, both qualitative and quantitative, both creative and analytical.

Keyword Research plays a crucial role in assuring that your prospective customers will find you when they are looking for your specific products and services.

Advantages of Keyword Research

• Drive traffic to your site by using the words people use when they’re searching

• Write great website copy by incorporating terms that people immediately identify with

• Plan profitable pay-per-click campaigns by building up a broad range of keyword phrases that will capture your market

• Develop great content ideas that directly address your customers’ needs

• Understand your customers’ behavior and concerns by analyzing the words that they use

• Measure the size of a potential online market by the number of searches conducted, and

• Develop new revenue streams by using popular keywords to inspire new product and service ideas

Top Tips for Effective Keyword Research

Start with a goal in mind - Whether it is to increase sales, gain newsletter subscribers, or get new prospect leads, etc.

Think like a Prospective Customer - it is important that you select keyword phrases that reflect what a prospective customer will enter in at the search site

Brainstorm - The brainstorming group should include those with direct customer access (sales reps, customer support representatives, product/content experts, and marketing – don’t forget to review your own log files for additional data)

Check your Content for Keywords - If the Keywords you optimize for are not used within the copy of your site, you will not be able to get rankings for those terms

Goal is Conversions not Traffic - The goal of Search Engine Optimization, and your keyword research, is not to just get traffic, but to get valuable, ‘qualified’ traffic that can lead to actual conversions

Avoid short, common phrases - Targeted keyword phrases may generate slightly less overall traffic, but with targeted keywords you will achieve ‘qualified’ traffic

Keyword Research is an ongoing process

Tools to be used for keyword research

Keyword Research Tools

Overture Keyword Selector Tool

In the scenario in the table, the traffic for the term "men shoes" may be far greater, but the value of more specific terms is greater. A searcher for “Gucci Man Shoes” or “Steve Madden Man Shoes" is more likely to make a purchase decision than one searching for simply a "men's shoes."

Wordtracker - Keyword Services for Professional SEO

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Where you must use keyword phrases

• Title tag - The title is particularly important and should include your primary keyword phrase and if possible your secondary phrase

• Description tag - If your description contains the search term people enter, and it is the first text that Googlebot comes across, then you’ve a good chance that Google will display your description in the results

• Headings and subheadings - The <h> tags that are used throughout an article should contain keywords. So a heading of “Our new product range” is poor; “Our new range of vegetarian dog food” is better

• Body copy - The writer should understand what the keyword phrases are and use them in natural language on the page

• Links on the page - The words used in live links tell the search engine what “this page” is about and also what the “linked-to page” is about

• Alt text - For every image, write an alt attribute tag, good for both accessibility and optimization.

Additional areas/places

• References at the bottom of the article

• Add a takeaway box

• Link title

• Testimonials from satisfied customers

• Signature box at the end of the article

Thank You