Life and the Challenges of Digital Distraction



Now that we carry tiny computers around in our pockets, that constantly ask for our attention, it is more critical than ever, that we consciously choose the relationship we want to have with it.

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Digital Distraction Ben Klocek

The Challenges

• Information Overload

• Constant Distraction

• Social Media Anxiety

• Alone Together

• Inner Life

Information Overload “Informed bewilderment”

Information Fatigue My brain couldn’t keep up

Information Overload: Strategy

• Acknowledge that it's not possible to keep up. There's more info created each day than you can read in a year.

• Choose your sources wisely, budget the time you spend online, and when you feel your mind getting tired, move on.

• Take up an artistic practice. The time spent on aesthetic creation gives your mind a break.

Constant Distraction Tuned in and tuned out.

Distraction: Strategy

• Come back to your body.

• Do one thing at a time and know why you are doing it.

• Plan times to be plugged in, and times to be unplugged. Stick to the plan.

• Spend time in nature without devices.

• Create a “Distraction” folder on you phone for FB, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

“Yes, master” Who’s in charge?

Social Media Anxiety Maintaining your “second” self.

Social Media Anxiety: Strategy

• Remember that you are managing two identities, online and off.

• Remember that people are likely to only post things that make them look good.

• Be aware of how much benefit you are actually receiving from participating.

• Choose to respond when it’s convenient to you.

• FOMOs: Fear Of Missing Out. Acknowledge that you can’t ready every post.

Alone Together “It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity” - Albert Einstein

Alone Together: Strategy

• Agree with your friends on when it’s ok for each of you to be on your devices and when it’s not.

• Make certain areas of your house (like the kitchen and dining room) device-free.

• For friends or couples, plan times to be unplugged together.

• Restaurant phone stacking. First to pick up, pays.

Inner Life Spend time with yourself.

Inner Life: Strategy

• Take a walk alone without your phone.

• One day a week tech-free (I do Sunday).

• Do art.

It’s up to you.“How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.”- Annie Dillard
