P. Crogan. Prospects and perspectives intro


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Patrick Crogan

Digital Cultures Research Centre

Feb 2015






*What we wanted

*Who we played with

*Where we got to

**context: but we all know this…..



*People live and work in places

*Global, national, local in the ‘digital economy’ and the creative industries

*Stiegler: crucial challenge today is to articulate these territories effectively, so people have somewhere good to live/work


*New models beyond business incubators, social

clubs, maker spaces

*How to understand them as creative



*Economic, cultural, political, local




*Getting together:

*‘Tacit knowledge’ building

*Social, extended and situated community dimensions

*Reaching critical mass


*Shares and swaps, problem-solving crowd-

source, unexpected connections/directions,

making it real

‘Plan for the unexpected’…


*Visibility to industry, creative sector groups, other


*Events, networking, funding conduit


*‘Communities of production’ (Villalobos)

*Residents and wider circles: social media, regular


*Inclusiveness, codes of practice, investment of

energy (because ‘like likes like’ = inertia)


*Creative industry lives among us


*And creativity is not the exclusive preserve (and economic

capital) of certain people, professions, qualifications

*2-way street: eg. Steam platform for smaller game makers,

explosion of range of games, ‘ludic’ experiences for people

*Localising cultural and commercial value of indie game

production to make it more substantial, sustainable

