Remarriage and Renewal



This lesson provides Biblical advice for those who remarry after losing a spouse through death or divorce. Watch or download:

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#9 – Remarriage & Renewal

In Love for Life Building or Rebuilding a Great Marriage

Mike Mazzalongo

Basic teaching on marriage & divorce:

•  1 Man and 1 Woman for life. •  Divorce is a sin •  This sin is forgivable •  With forgiveness comes renewal

I.E. Prodigal Son

Repentance requires an acknowledgment of the sin and a

change of heart concerning that sin.

I Cor. 7:20

20 Let each man remain in that condition in which he was called.

Remarriage & Renewal advice:

1. You are really married.

The indissolvability of a marriage bond is a Roman Catholic idea begun

at the council of Trent in 1545.

Remarriage & Renewal advice:

1.  You are really married.

2. Your marriage is perfect through the cross.

God’s grace does not make a distinction about which sins to

forgive or not forgive.

Remarriage & Renewal advice:

1.  You are really married. 2.  Your marriage is perfect through the cross.

3. Follow the Bible’s advice for remarrieds.

Advice for those who have failed:

1. Forget the past. 13 Brethren, I do not regard myself as having

laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ  - Phil. 3:13-14

Forgetting the past is the way that we express our on going faith in God.

Advice for those who have failed:

1.  Forget the past.

2. Learn from the past.

Advice for those who have failed:

1.  Forget the past.

2.  Learn from the past.

3. Let your changed life be a witness for Christ.

16 Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. - Mt. 5:16

A loving relationship in a Christian home honors God

If you’ve ever failed at marriage:

•  Ask Jesus to forgive you. •  Forget past mistakes. •  Let Jesus teach you how to

succeed. •  Offer your success to God.
