Social Media Management with Black Sheep Agency


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Spacetaker ARC Workshop

led by Aimee Woodall of

Social Media Management

Social Media Gets Artsy

“They always say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” –Warhol

Social media is revolutionizing how "we communicate. "

Right here. Right now. "

We’ve officially gone social Social media allows you to effectively reach people to:

•  Establish yourself and enhance your image •  Promote your work, group, and events •  Build audience, donor, and stakeholder relationships •  Develop community around your mission •  Get immediate reviews and actionable feedback •  Research opportunities •  Make money

…all at the low price of time & dedication

What’s in it for ME?

No one knows how GOOD you are if they don’t know WHO you are.

•  Build a brand (awareness)

•  Showcase your personality (pizzazz)

•  Have conversations and give (relationships)

•  Get the word out (exposure)


Art is not just about creating something. It’s

about sharing that something with a larger



Curators, gallery owners and directors"

Other local businesses"

Writers, reporters and editors"

Art enthusiasts "

Other networkers and creatives

Resource on how to get to know your audience:

Before you jump into social media, get your website in order.

What kind of order to you mean? "

Free website building resources for artists: •  Free artist profile on can serve as a basic website • •

•  Photos of your work are up-to-date

•  Your bio is engaging and up-to-date

•  If you have a blog, your blog is linked to your website

•  Your presence on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, etc) is clearly shown

•  Your contact information is easy to find

Examples of good artist websites:"

•  Anthony Thompson Shumate -

•  Andrew Karnavas -

•  Emily Rose -

Tell them your STORY. Show them who you ARE.

•  Your background. "

Your versatility. "

Your personality. "

Your most recent work. "

If you remember one word when it comes to social media, let that be it.

Build a community and loyalty. "

Profile vs Page – what’s best for marketing yourself as an artist?

It’s a personal preference: "

Page •  The Page is for businesses

•  Example: Artist Raul Gonzalez

•  Allows you to reach people without having to be “friends” with them. If they “Like” your page, they get your info.

•  Facebook Pages are designed to be a media rich, valuable presence for any artist, business or brand.

•  Meant for professional promotion

Profile •  The Profile is for individuals

•  Example: Raul Gonzalez

•  Profile is more personal. Your art fans/friends will know everything about you unless you change the Privacy Settings so that certain people only see certain posts.

•  If you create a Profile for your business, Facebook may disable your account without warning.

•  You must have a Profile before you can create and/or administer a Page

Facebook content:

What inspires you"

Who you are"

Resources, events and information"

Your latest work

Connect. Engage. Give back.

Ask for critiques on your latest pieces. "

Have people vote on their favorites. "

Crowdsource your next subject matter. "

Comment on other people’s posts and promote "

others endeavors.

Still not sure what to say? Examples:

Facebook features that will benefit you as an artist:

Events Pages

Notes – your own journaling area where you can post longer updates; can pull your blog RSS feed to automatically post to Notes section

Photo gallery"


Check out – free apps that allow you to customize your Facebook page

Facebook Insights: Facebook Page Insights allows you to measure:

•  New page “Likes”

•  Daily, weekly & monthly active users (people who interact with Page)

•  Demographics by age, sex, and location

•  What tabs your users are viewing

•  What website they came from to find your Page

•  How many impressions each of your Wall posts gets & % feedback

Access your Page Insights by clicking “View Insights” in the right column while viewing your Page.


Reaching out to new audiences and having

real-time conversations. •  Short, direct messages – 140 characters only

•  Twitter allows you to reach an entirely new audience; you can connect with people all across the world who have similar interests

•  You can search by key word to see who else is talking about what you’re interested in and then if you like what they post, follow them!

•  Sign up for a free account on

Twitter features that will benefit you as an artist:

•  Management tools (Tweet Deck, Hoot Suite)

•  Twit Pic – Allows you to share photos on Twitter -

•  Link shortening tools ( – When you only have 140 characters to share your thought, a link shortener is critical!

Twitter content:

Entertain Educate Engage

The Twitter basics: •  Hashtags – Using # before a key word allows people to connect by similar interest; You can search by any hashtag and Twitter shows you what hashtags are trending or most popular

•  RTs – You can retweet a message that you like or want to share; Click the “Retweet” button.

•  @ messages – Include other people’s Twitter names in your Tweets to link/post to their Twitter page (i.e. I had a great time at @spacetaker tonight)

•  DMs – Direct Message is a private message to another person on Twitter that only they can see.

Connect. Engage.

Give back. •  RT and share things you believe in.

•  Spend time having conversations.

•  Commit time to building your followers.

The one social site that’s strictly professional. "

LinkedIn features:

•  Groups •  Updates, similar to Facebook. •  Higher incomes. "


The online portfolio and obvious choice for artists.

•  Flickr basic is free; Flickr Pro is inexpensive

•  It’s more than just a portfolio site. Flickr is truly social - allows you to share your photos with others, join groups, and get feedback from others

•  You can organize and tag your photos any way you’d like

•  Learn more at


An opportunity to journal, share and really let people in. "

Free, web-based blogging platforms:




“Being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art. Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art.” –Warhol

AIMEE WOODALL Leader of the Flock

The Black Sheep Agency