Step By Step Recipes Can Only Get You So Far


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The Secret Pizza Crust Strategy

When I was in high school I worked at a pizza place.

It wasn't a chain, there was only one.

And they made everything fresh.

They had this big mixer in the back room they'd use to make the dough.

When we made the pizza crusts, we always started with a big round ball of dough that had been put in a specially controlled fridge so it would rise


We would first pound the dough, and then actually toss it into the air.

Not for show, but because it was the easiest.

If you took two people, one guy with a ball of dough and a big rolling pin, and another guy who would pound it and then spin it, the pounding

spinning guy would win every time.

Not only that, but spinning it made for the perfect crust.

If you rolled it, the thickness would be uniform.

But if you tossed it, the thickest parts would be on the outside.

And as my boss explained to me, the secret of a good pizza was good crust.

And that started with good dough.

He had this secret recipe for his dough.

I had to work there a year before they let me make the dough.

Not because it was complicated, but because he wanted to keep his recipe a secret.

He'd spent a lot of time and money trying to fine tune this super delicious dough recipe.

Now, pizzas are pretty simply.

You can get them anywhere.

But a really GOOD pizza is hard to find.

Almost so good that when you find one, you want to keep it secret.

But here's the REAL SECRET of that guy's dough.

Sure, the ingredients themselves, but HOW he found it.

He didn't learn it in school.

He didn't look it up on the internet.

He didn't go to a pizza dough seminar.

He did a lot of trial and error, and a lot of slow, careful experimentation.

Now, that was a long time ago.

But I still remember, to this day, how I felt when I was "let in on the secret" of how to make the dough.

It was simple, easy, the ingredients weren't that mysterious.

Now, if I started my own pizza place, by copying him, would it have been the same?

How would I have advertised it?

A top secret recipe that I stole from my competition?

That probably wouldn't work very well.

There's only ONE of every big brand. Sometimes two, but that's about it.

You can copy others, and hope you get "similar" results.

Or you can get to work on discovering your own secret.

One that NOBODY knows but you.

Will it be easy? No.

Will it take a while? Yes.

Are you guaranteed success? Unfortunately, no.

But the more you continue to SEARCH for and BUILD your secret, the more likely you'll FIND IT.

