Values And Norms Of Crestwood Heights




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Values and Norms of Crestwood Heights

• Values and Norms of Crestwood Heights (Upper-Middle Class Community):

• Education is stressed so As and Bs are expected and college is a must! It starts with pre-school nurseries.

• Parents are “Movers and shakers” of the community which teaches kids to be involved

• Because of this involvement, lives are scheduled and punctuality is important

• Possessions are important

• Family size is well planned and orderly

• Parents try to spend quality time with their kids but should feel free to have their own social life. Nannies and baby sitters are carefully chosen

• Chores are done around the home, teaching responsibility

• Individual sports are emphasized

• Norms and Values of the West-End of Boston (Working Class Community):

• Education is important. A’s are great but C’s are acceptable. College is hoped for.

• Parents spend a lot of time with neighbors and so do kids. Friends are the most important thing in some kids’ lives but families are often close.

• Parents don’t want their kids to embarrass them in the neighborhood so they need to stay out of trouble.

• Families are valued but divorce is common

• Team sports are emphasized

• Values and Norms of the Urban Housing Project:

• Education is not emphasized; rather street survival skills are stressed.

• Families are often single-parent and parents are often too busy or tired to spend time with kids so they are often unsupervised.

• Role models and significant others are too often people on the street involved in illegal activities

• Each class tends to teach children the values and norms that lead them to stay in the same class as their parents.
