Viral Marketing Lessons Learned From Magnetic Poetry Kit



Viral Marketing, the art and science of creating marketing that springs legs and walks around the world, has never been more important or urgent. These slides share tips learned from launching the mega-viral Magnetic Poetry Kit, now a $60M specialty gift.

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Martin W. Smith (G+)@ScenatTrail

Sold over 3M Kits, $60M

04/07/2023 2

Created by David Kapel

04/07/2023 3

Sold to museum stores by (now RIP)

Martin’s First Websitec. 1999

04/07/2023 4

Why Viral 1: Engage Dinosaur Brain (Fun & Simple)

Simple, fun, ubiquitous.

04/07/2023 5

Why Go Viral 2: Create Brand Advocates

Refrigerator = Advocacy

Q: Hey, what are these words on

your fridge?

Cool Answer: Magnetic Poetry


04/07/2023 6

MPK Brand Ideal: Exploration

Jim Stengel defined 5 Brand Ideals:

Inspiring ExplorationEliciting Joy Enabling ConnectionEvoking PrideImpacting Society

04/07/2023 7

Why Go Viral 3: Align Marketing & Distribution to Product Ideals

04/07/2023 8

Cool Museum Stores & Small Gift Stores = reinforce “exploration”

04/07/2023 9

Today Phones, Pads + Cool Websites = “exploration”

04/07/2023 10

Then: distribution = viralNow: distribution = viral

Different Distribution Channels

04/07/2023 11

Now: Use Crowdsourcing

Platforms crush websites

04/07/2023 12

Now: Use Crowdfunding04/07/2023 13

Why Go Viral 4: Existing Tribe04/07/2023 14

04/07/2023 15

Viral Marketing: 3 Critical Success Factors (CSFs)

04/07/2023 16

Viral CSF #1: Process Is Product

STOP: Whatever you are doing NOW is a product, SHARE IT & Begin To Build ADVOCACY.

04/07/2023 17

Viral CSF #2: Know Your UCA & USP

UCA = Unique Customer AspirationsUSP = Unique Selling Proposition

04/07/2023 18

Viral CSF #3: Build DIGITAL (mobile, social, connected) First

04/07/2023 19

Why Go Viral Summary

① Engage Dinosaur Brain (FUN & SIMPLE).

② Create Brand Advocates.

③ Align Marketing & Distribution To Brand Ideals.

④ Create An Existing Tribe.

04/07/2023 20

Viral Marketing CSFs

① Process Is Product.

② Know Your UCA and USP.

③ Create DIGITAL

04/07/2023 21

Contact Marty

• @ScentTrail (Twitter)• (Marketing Blog)• (cool 501c3 project)• (work)• (personal)• Martin W. Smith (G+)•
