What is, what could be


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Paying for college| By: Ally Mae KinaszDate: January 22, 2016

|What is

On average it costs a student $17,000 at a four year institution for fees and living costs to attend college, it costs about $1000-$2000 for every class

Some people don’t attend college because the cost is too high Others have good paying opportunities without going into debt and settle

|What could be

Government could make loans affordable for students

Government could grant more aid Tax everyone a few more cents to provide

students with free college Pay college student a more decent wage Higher employment ratio of College students to

people that only went as far as high school Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?


|What is

Students are hardly getting by with everyday living expenses due to paying for college

Even college textbook prices are too high

You hardly ever use those textbooks in class

This leaves people asking “Is it really worth it?”

|What could be Make sure you use the textbook in class Make the textbook more affordable Students wouldn’t struggle while going to


|What is

o People are going to college and accumulating debt every day

o It takes students a long time to “get ahead” in life

o Tuition costs are limiting students from better education, some students cant afford to go back for their masters, they don’t think its worth going back into debt

o People settle at jobs they are unhappy with

o College grads may become unhappy with their major but stuck with it

|What could be

People could do their dream job and come out of college debt free

Every one could be a lot less stressed out and love what they are doing

|What could be

We could cure cancer, what if the cure for cancer was in the brain of someone who couldn't afford college?

Everyone would be more motivated/happy at work Students would be able to get as much education as they want without

worrying about debt


www.topuniversities.com/student-info/student-finance www.uspirg.org/issues/usp/affordable-higher-education www.usnews.com/news/college-of-tomorrow/articles/2014/09/22/why-college-costs-so-


