Katie's Networking Brief


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Who is Katie Felten anyway?

First and foremost, I love community management. It is not my job, it’s my lifestyle. As a

natural born connecter, I am able to build strong connections within a community with ease, and

help to humanize a brand.

I love all things adventure, travel, and the outdoors. Between my dedication to yoga, rock climbing and other outdoor activities, I know I would fit well into a company culture that recognizes the value of an active lifestyle.

My skills would be invaluable for a company whose primary community consists of those of us who can’t live without constantly moving, exploring and learning.

“The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty

‘Yes’ to your adventure.”

Joseph Campbell

I am an experienced community builder who knows how to engage the community, and set a community direction and strategy.

I am dedicated to improving food quality and promoting food-consciousness. I enjoy teaching people about the

benefits of local and organic food, how to grow healthy food, and the how to’s of juicing. My 17 siblings and I

grew up on 120 acre homestead in SW Wisconsin, where we gardened, raised our own meat (chickens, a steer and

pig), kept bees, and canned or froze most of our food.

I get that we weren’t put on this planet to dominate it, but to live with it, side by side, and am keen on companies that strive to work with the environment, rather than against it.

The beat my heart moves to has been electronic dance music since I first laid ears on it.

What are Katie’s Career Targets?

I hope to share my community building skills with a company that has strong core values based in a desire to promote social good; one that embodies the “if it’s good for business it should be good for the world” attitude. I look forward to being a part of a team who share a purpose and passions and take pride in the importance of their strong social mission.

I am particularly interested in companies that:• support social good • strive to achieve a low ecological impact• participate in the good food revolution• advocate an active and healthy lifestyle • promote outdoor activity• encourage adventure travel• are involved in the sharing economy• create and produce world class experiential

life changing events

How do I know this company is a good fit for Katie?

They value community engagement and are looking for a team who want to be involved with their community, through events, conferences, and continuing education opportunities.

The company has stable and clear core values, and are consciousness of the need to give back.

They are still growing and evolving and are in need of someone with high-level strategic acumen to help build the business.

The environment is one in which it is understood that everyone is always learning, knowledge is pursued, and ideas are shared.

“A mind that is stretched by

new experiences can never go back to its old dimensions.”

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

Why should a company have a Community Manager?

The community manager is a company’s direct link to its customers, owning the critical responsibility to grow, shape and respond to online and offline conversations happening around that brand.

As a community manager, my responsibilities are divided between servicing the external community and the internal team. Essentially, I act as the external voice of the company and the internal advocate of the community.

A community manager’s key roles are:

Brand Ambassador

Brand Advocate

Brand Communicator

– I act as a face of the company. I evangelize it.– I become the eyes and ears of the company.– I communicate the brand to others.

“The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are usually the ones who do.”

Steve Jobs

Building a community is not for the faint of heart. Like anything that you are trying to grow, communities require time, love, and guidance. A good community manager does far more than just managing social media outlets. They are dedicated to taking the time, curating relationships, and connecting with people both online and off. I blend and connect in a genuine way with the community because I speak their language, share their concerns, get excited about the same products and events.

Steve Jobs