Made in Japan - Akio Morita and Sony


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Made in Japan

Akio Morito

With Edwin M. ReingoldAnd Mitsuko Shimomura

Submitted by,Jothin N Jeevan

Universal Business School

It was first published in Great Britain in 1987 and was first issued in 1988 by Fontana.


Akio Morita & Family

Rich and Big family

Kyuzaemon Morita

Custom changed when Akio Morita became the family head.

Interest in Electronics

A music player imported from America

An electronic phonograph made by his relative.

He started buying electronic books & magazines.

Losing interest in studies.

Joining of Science department.

Became professional officer after graduation.


He was under direct control during war

Got permission to do research works.

Became professional officer after graduation.

Training and promotion of Akio Morita.

First meeting with Masara Ibuka.

First ever announcement by Japanese Emperor – “The war was over”

Peace in Japan

After surviving the major atomic bombings, Japan became so weak which even led to confusion regarding Japan’s return.

Japanese military was completely demolished and Japan stumbled.

Due to discussion regarding the future in family, Akio Morita joins as a teacher.

Decision of Akio to work with Ibuka.

Joint business by Akio Morita & Masara IbukaFather’s help

First Company

Decision to produce Tape recorder.

Production and Marketing of Tape Recorder.

Reducing the size of tape recorders.

Invention of transistors and production of “pocketable” radio.


The name ‘Tokyo Tsushin Kabushiki Kaisha’ was altered to ‘Teletech’.

But unsuccessful..

Later to Sonny and Sonus

And finally to ‘SONY’

I do not believe that any amount of market research could have told us that Sony walkman would be successful.


Akio Morita and SONY


‘Walkman’ was introduced to miniaturize the conventional stereo with large loudspeakers to light headphones.

They hired young couples to stroll through the Tokyo Ginza ‘Pedestrian Paradise’ on Sundays listening to their Walkmans and showing them off.

Marketing Strategies

They change from their traditional distribution system to own outlet distribution system.

Change the image of Japanese goods as poor quality to high quality expensive products.

Innovative product line.

It concentrate more on Research & Development rather then on study of market.

It was 1st company to offer its stock in United States.

Sony U-Matic Video Recorder

Introduced in 1969

Put into Panama & American airlines for passenger entertainment

Give demonstration to big corporate agencies to train mechanics and salesman

Remorse feel by Mr. Akio Morito

Calculator named SOBEX


Much more successful than the other companies.

No plan or theory or policy.

Healthier relations with the employees.

Family like feeling with the corporation.

Simple management system for managing the business.

Learning & Findings

Japan’s position has grown stronger in the world.

Technology, product planning and marketing.

Employee confidence.

Challenge is great.

Success depends only on the strength of our will.

Why is it important for Management students???

It is not only important to innovate and market but also for a major corporation to survive by constantly improvising and revamping market strategies, by innovating and fulfilling the appetite of the ordinary user.

My review

One of the greatest Autobiography.I Got to know the World war II from Japan’s perspective.Simple languageEasily comprehendedA little boring in between. My Verdict: Must Read book.
