Reno Rolle - Entrepreneurial Tips


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Tips to Avoid Entrepreneurial Burnout

Tips from Forbes now how to stay committed and passionate about your company. - Reno Rolle

Pick three dates over the next month that you want to be at 100%. In order to make that a reality,

adjust your schedule leading up to those days so that you will be fresh, focused, and prepared.

Pick one goal that you are working towards. Set yourself up for success by vetting its

feasibility with the other ambitions on your plate, and adjust your timeline accordingly.

Pick one current project that you feel stuck on. Break down your tasks into smaller chunks to make them even more actionable. For bonus points, put each smaller task on the calendar to ensure you

give yourself enough time to get them done.

Compare each of your current goals against your motivations for being an entrepreneur. Are there goals that aren’t aligned with the

rewards you want? If so—scrap them.

Look at your to-do list for the week and identify your least favorite task. Figure out how to

outsource, streamline, or otherwise minimize it. Use the time saved to do your favorite task instead.

Select your most pressing business question. Think about who in your network might have valuable insight on this challenge. Ask him or

her for a meeting or phone call.

Pick a firm closing time for work today. Honor it by not checking email or work-related social media accounts after that time.

Think about three things you can do before your next day off to make that day more relaxing and stress-free. Schedule them.

Give yourself 60 minutes to do something rejuvenating during work hours this week. Pick an activity that you’re excited about,

and schedule it on your calendar.