Advertising proposal lauren barker


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Advertising ProposalBy Lauren Barker

My ideaFor my advertisement, I will be filming 4 actors/models (2 male and 2 female) aged between 15-18, against a brick wall, a graffiti wall or sitting on a bench (maybe all) whilst posing, chatting and laughing. Whilst the actors/models are chatting and laughing, I will be filming close ups of the clothing items so the audience can see them properly.The 2 female actors will be stood against a brick wall/graffiti wall/sat on a bench and the male actors will be doing the same but filmed separately (so the 2 female models are together in one shot and then the 2 male models are together in the next shot). They will all then merge together and start talking and laughing.I will be putting the prices of the clothing on the advert when the close ups take place.

Clothing:Male- Jeans, T-Shirts, Trainers, JacketsFemale- Jeans, Skirts, Tops, Jackets. I found out that these are the most popular clothing items as I carried out a questionnaire.

Audience research

Target audience A target audience is a particular group which a product such as a film or advertisement is aimed at.

My target audience is aimed at male and female teenagers and young adults between the ages of 15-19. The advert could be also be aimed at other ages (adults) as the clothes I will be advertising can be worn by all ages. The reason I have chosen the target to be audience teenagers to young adults is because I think the advert will appeal the most to them and that is the age range that I think would be the most interested.

As I think that the most common and easiest method of audience research is through surveys/questionnaires, I decided to make a survey on poll junkie and I put the link to it on social media so anybody could take part in it and so I received fair feedback.

Summary of my researchFor my research, I had to make my own questionnaire/poll and then gather the results to find out what type of clothing is the most popular, what appeals the buyer to actually buying the clothes, where they buy there clothes from, etc. I collected the data I got and I gathered the most popular answers and I put them into my idea. For example, as the people who took my questionnaire said that they bought most of their clothes from ASOS, I will look on the ASOS website and look at the prices/designs/clothing.

This is primary research and also quantitative.

Audience researchI asked for the age of the person taking the survey for my first question. The majority of people were from the ages of 12-17. As I received this information, I knew that my advert should be aimed at teenagers and young adults. Teenagers tend to watch TV channels such at MTV, E4, Comedy Central, ITV etc, therefore I would advertise my advert on those type of channels.

For this question, I asked what their occupation was, as you can see, a huge amount of people said they are in education. As they are in education, they might not have much money to buy what they want, therefore, I will make the prices reasonable for students.

As the majority of people who took my survey buy clothes that are reasonably priced, I will look on the websites of the shops that they buy their clothes from the most and try to match those prices.

Summary of my researchI looked at some other clothing adverts to see what was popular within them and I worked out

the similarities and differences. This helped me with understanding the advertisement industry as most of the adverts I looked at were all similar in some way. For example, all of the clothing shown in the advert had close ups on them so that the audience could see them properly, also, the models that the creator of the advert used are the same age as what they wanted their target audience to be.

Aimed at males from teenager to adult as the actors in the advert was that age.

The actors are young women as that is the target audience.

The actors are also young women as that is the target audience.

The research I carried outAs I carried out a questionnaire, it helped me identify what was relevant and what wasn’t. This is primary and quantitative research. Primary research is research that you carry out and gather yourself (polls, questionnaires) and Quantitative research is explaining phenomena (occurrence) by collecting numerical data that is analysed using mathematically based methods. Secondary research is research that you can find in books, newspapers, videos, the internet etc. An example of secondary research that I have done is the analysing of the adverts. This was secondary research as I watched the videos to these adverts and I then analysed them.I also took part in a focus group. I got together with 2 other people that had different ideas and we discussed our final 3 ideas whilst filming it. This is an example of qualitative research as it is used to gain an understanding of underline reasons and opinions.
