Cisco Social Media Listening Center Case Study



Case study of how Cisco uses the Salesforce Marketing Cloud to power it's Social Media listening strategy.

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@marketingcloud T 1-800-NO-SOFTWARE

Social Listening

Social Content


Social Ads

Work!ow & Automation


CASE STUDY: CISCOCisco Systems brings social to the core of their business.

The ChallengeCisco is the worldwide leader in IT, helping companies

seize the opportunities of tomorrow by proving that

amazing things can happen when you connect the

previously unconnected. The company has shaped

the future of the Internet by creating unprecedented

value and opportunity for their customers,

transforming the way people connect, communicate

and collaborate.

The move to adopt and weave social across the

enterprise has been a natural transition for Cisco.

The recent launch of a Social Media Listening Center

demonstrates their commitment to the voice of the

customer, and also allows Cisco to harness and

capture social intelligence. Cisco sees the potential

to take social even further by connecting customers’

experiences and makes this part of the entire

customer journey.

The ApproachPowered by Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Cisco

has taken an ABC, 1-2-3 approach to social

conversations” (ABCs) – that is, customers and

partners expressing a near term need. This includes

but is not limited to sales inquiries, support, product

ideas and brand advocacy posts. They then prioritize

them (1-2-3) to determine the urgency of a response.

Cisco gets about 5,000-7,000 mentions a day and

roughly 3% of those are actionable. Today, there are

over 1,300 social ambassadors globally who are

authorized to engage with customers on the social

web on behalf of Cisco, and all Cisco employees

are encouraged to be active on Twitter with their

personal accounts.

Social listening provides a foundation for Cisco’s

CRM initiative, which focuses on using social

intelligence to make data driven decisions. This

includes real-time content marketing insights to

opportunities across social channels.

Cisco executes their social media listening strategy in

a number of ways:

Marketing’s Social Media Listening Center –

A nine screen display of live social data is used to

keep an active pulse on social activity. This display

is particularly useful when monitoring campaign or

launch activity as a way to get a macro view of how

things unfold on the social web.

Social Media Listening Center in the EBC –

A six screen display of social data in Cisco’s Executive

year. This illustrates in real-time how Cisco listens and

responds to customers.

Executive’s Social Media Listening Center –

A two-screen kiosk version of the Social Media

Listening Center just outside the CEO and CMO’s

and tone of top-of-mind topics such as earnings,

acquisitions, launches or campaigns.

Have questions? Contact us. W E

@marketingcloud T 1-800-NO-SOFTWARE

Social Listening

Social Content


Social Ads

Work!ow & Automation


Cisco created a 24/7 multi-language Social Media

Listening Center for the 2012 London Olympics,

an initiative that awarded them the prestigious

Groundswell Award for best B2B social media


Online Social Media Listening Center –

Visualizations from the physical Social Media Listening

Center can also be viewed online. This global reach

enables teams around the world to listen to what’s

being said about the brand at any time.

The ResultsCisco has succeeded in creating an industry-leading

social strategy and putting that into practice with the

many variants of their Social Media Listening Center.

The company has seen great results, including

early detection of potential product issues and

the ability to track their social marketing and lead

generation efforts.

Cisco was awarded the Groundswell Award for best B2B social media listening.

The Social Media Listening Center allows Cisco

to scale social across the enterprise to create a

connected organization that can move quickly and

nimbly, as well as get closer to their customers. Their

work in social media has already earned Cisco a

great deal of industry recognition, and the business

shows no signs of slowing down as they continue to

evolve their social strategies and execution. Cisco

currently engages with customers, partners and

prospects on 133 Twitter handles – 15 of these are

owned by Cisco Executives. Additionally, Cisco has

more than two million fans across its top

12 Facebook Pages.