Filming schedule


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Filming ScheduleThis is how I planned when I was going to film

my movie.

12th February

• - First six shots- Location- Street and School- Lasting 60 seconds- Film each shot chronologically- Allow time for reshooting scenes

14th February

• - Edit first section together, look for errors in scenes that may need reshooting.

19th February

• - Reshoot necessary scenes from the first shooting- Final six shots- Location- outside/park/school- Lasting 60 seconds- Again film in chronological order- Allow time for reshooting

21st February

• - Edit the final six shots together- Look for errors in scenes that may need reshooting

22nd February

• - Edit all shots together- Add in our motion picture ‘SBM Studios’

23rd February

• - Fit the music to scenes and full opening- Touch up any errors
