How to increase website traffic by writing SEO-friendly blog post?


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8 Tips For Writing An Amazing SEO-friendly Blog Post

Writing and maintaining an interesting or entertaining blog does not require special marketing

skills. But writing SEO-friendly blog posts absolutely does.If you are in charge of your company’s

blog, SEO is just as important for you as creating quality content that inspires engagement and

generates leads. After all if you are not getting traffic you are not getting engaged readers or leads,

either. Even if your writing is top-notch and your content’s amazing but if you don’t publish

regularly, you don’t get search traffic. Search engines like Google want to give searchers the very

best results for their queries. If you publish infrequently or sporadically Google assumes your blog

is not a good resource for searchers.

Listed below are some of the points that should be considered for writing a blog post which is SEO-


1.Think before you write:Before you start your blog, proper detailing has to be done both on paper

and in mind. Think hard about the message of your text. What do you want to tell your readers or

which central question do you want to ask to your readers, what’s the purpose of your text? And

what do you want your readers to do at the end of the page? Write down the answers to these

questions before you begin writing.

2.Keyword Research:Although SEO is moving toward building thought leadership and community

with awesome content keywords are still important. Find the best keywords you can and use them

in all the right places in each post.Make sure you should also include keywords in the title, headers,


8 Tips For Writing An Amazing SEO-friendly Blog Post

URL, and photo tags while it used to be fairly simple to get your website to rank well in Google

search results.

3.Use proper paragraphs: Before start writing the paragraphs make sure that every paragraph

should have a main idea or a main subject, you should be able to grasp that main idea in only one

sentence.Everybody uses paragraphs but make sure to use paragraphs that make sense. Do not start

a new sentence on a new line just because it looks nice.

4.Length of the Blog: Make sure that your blog is not too long ,it contain minimum of 300 words,

similarly a blog of 800 words will scare your readers. It is best to write somewhere between 500-

700 words.

5.Use meaningful headings:Headings help Google to grasp the main topics of a long post and

therefore can help in your ranking. If you want people to find their way in your blogs, you should

use subheadings. Subheadings will lead people, help them scan your page, and clarify the structure

of your articles.Make sure you use your keywords in some subheadings.

6.Proper Linking:Using internal links to other blog posts while writing is a great copywriting tip

that helps to get lots of benefits for both readers and search engines.If you have written something

related to the current topic in the past, give link for the same. Your readers might read these articles

as well and boost your ranking.

7.Let other people read your post.Before publishing your post, let someone else read your post

first. Ask him/her whether he understands the main idea of your post. Correct typos and sentences

that aren’t formulated correctly.

8.Sharing:The primary goal of making your blog posts SEO friendly is to make sure they are

viewed by the maximum possible amount of people. Make sure that you must share your blog on

socila media it is easy for visitors to share.The best ways to encourage sharing are placing large

social buttons in prominent places and using calls to action inviting them.
