How to set privacy in Facebook (2016)


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Hi everyone. Today, I will give some tips on how to set privacy to your status and albums in Facebook.

By: Yap Joe Yee

First, in your home page in Facebook, you will see the “locker” icon at the above left of your screen. Click it and you will see there are four choices with: Privacy Checkup, Who can see my stuff, Who can contact me and How do I stop someone from bothering me.

Click on the See More Settings to view more privacy settings.



First in the section, it is “Who can see my stuff?”, which will allow you to choose who can see your post in the future.

There are few sections with: Public, Friends, Only Me and with the more options: Custom. Public means everyone in the world can see your status and photos you upload in the future. Friends means only the friends in your Facebook can see your posts in the future. Only Me means that you are the only one can see your status and photos, also known as private. Custom means you can set who can see your posts by typing down their names and you also can set who you do

not want to share with.

Moreover, you can review the posts you had did previously by clicking on the “Use Activity Log”

From the list on the left, you can choose: “Your posts”, “Post you’re Tagged In”, “Posts by others” and “Posts you’ve hidden”

Click on the “Your Posts” and you will be redirected to a page.

In the page, you are allowed to edit the posts by clicking on the “pencil icon” and a drop down menu will appeared.

You can choose whether you allow the post on your timeline or hide it, or even can delete it if you do not satisfy on the post.

Beside the menu, you also can change the share setting directly.

The next sub section is Limiting the audiences for the posts on your Timeline. Means that you limit the posts to be seen only by the friends instead of

public. Read the notice carefully before you decided After you decided, click on the button and a warning will appear.

Also, read the warning carefully. After that, click on the “Confirm” and close it to exit.

Next, let’s move on to the below section: Who can send you friend requests? Some of us may not want to be found by the strangers we don’t even know who is he or she. So, in this

section, you can set the setting on “Everyone” or “Friends of friends”. “Everyone” also known as “Public”, which means that you, the users can been found or sent friend requests by

everyone in Facebook around the world. “Friends of friends” means that only the friends of the friends you added can contact you and send you the

friend requests.

Lastly, who can look me up means that the people are able to search for your profile by typing in the information in searching toolbar.

If you don’t want the people to look you up, click on the edit and a drop down menu will appear.

You can either choose everyone, friends of friends, or friends.

Note that: Everyone means every person in and out can search

for you through the toolbar above. Friends of friends means that only the friends of your

friends can find you. Friends means only the people you added can look

up for you.

Same to the phone number section.

People can even search for your profile by just typing in your Facebook account name in the search engine such as Google, and will redirected to your profile page.

To solve this problem, click on the “Edit” and a tick box appear, click on the box to “untick” it if you want to keep your profile privacy.

After you “untick” it, there is a warning pop up. Click on “Turn Off” button to continue.

That’s all

Hope my tutorial can help you.

Thank you for reading!^^