Instagram + Pinterest


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Instagram + Pinterest

Ashley Northington DENOR Brands & Public Relations

About Ashley Northington

Ashley Northington is determined to help people, organizations and brands share their stories with the

world. She is an award-winning public relations consultant, entrepreneur, writer and media

connoisseur. She is the founder and director of the boutique public relations firm,

DENOR Brands & Public Relations.

The Rundown

Class 5: Instagram & Pinterest

Class 6: Your Plan

Let’s Break the Ice! Step 1: Log In to your Instagram account. Step 2: Introduce yourself to one person you do not know and take a picture with that person. Step 3: Post that picture on Instagram. In the caption, use the hashtag, #NBICSocialMedia101 Step 4: Search for @DENORPR. Connect with my business!

Do it for the ‘Gram

Every Brand has a Point of View.

Instagram is unlike any other platform in its

singular focus on captivating imagery, giving brands an avenue for rich visual storytelling.

When considering how you will use Instagram, think about what's unique about your brand

and how will you share it with the world?

The Facts

Here are the statistics.

300M 70%+ Monthly Active Users People Outside the U.S.

30B+ 2.5B Photos Shared Likes Daily

70M Photos Per Day

Getting Started on the ‘Gram

Start with clear goals.

Consider how Instagram fits into your overall brand marketing strategy.

Is your objective to increase awareness, shift

perception, or reach a new audience?

Pick a goal or two that can be achieved by connecting with Instagram's highly visual and creative


Getting Started on the ‘Gram

Choose themes to tell a cohesive story.

Choose story lines that are authentic to your brand and are best conveyed through captivating imagery.

Create posts that follow these themes for a diversity of

content that also remains consistent over time.

Getting Started on the ‘Gram

Take the time to create high-quality content.

Work with your brand or creative team to produce

images and videos that are well-crafted and feel at home on the platform.

Or, if you're a one-person shop, take some time to learn

from other brands and popular Instagrammers and follow their lead.

Quick Pic Tips Account Name Choose an account name, ideally your business name, that's easily tied to your brand. Profile photo Simple is best! Use your brand's logo or a graphic symbol. Keep in mind it will be cropped into a circle and appear as a 150 x 150 pixel image (that's pretty small) on most phones. Text Keep captions short and fresh. Incorporate a few hashtags (a max of three so they don't detract from the simplicity of the post). Ask questions to engage people. Commenting & liking Use hashtags, location and Photos of You to find others' images of your brand. Engage with them by liking and commenting on their images.

Getting Started Tagging Include the location of your photo or video when it helps tell the story of the image. Use the Add People feature to tag accounts in your image when they will help you reach a broader audience.

Image tools Edit your images with filters and other tools available in the Instagram app. These effects give images that unmistakable "Instagram" look that people respond to.

Image subjects Post photos and videos of beautiful and unexpected moments that also feel authentic and immediate. Whether your subject is a person or an object, capture it in a context that gives a sense of your brand's identity or point of view.

More Tips for Instagram

More Info:

Advertising on Instagram:

It’s action time!

Let’s Post a Pic! Post one picture to Instagram. Use the caption and picture to tell your story

from today. Use the hashtag #NBICSocialMedia101


Pin and Win!

Let’s Pin and WIN!

Pinterest is a visual bookmarking tool that allows you to find and save ideas for all of

your projects and interests.

The platform gives brands the opportunity to be discovered by millions of people looking

for things to plan, buy and do.

The Facts

Here are the statistics.

70M 80% Users Women

42% 13%

Adult Women Use it Adult Men Use it

8% European Internet Users

Here’s What... The Pin Cycle Pins can be almost anything—a gift, recipe, or even a quote. They’re like little bookmarks people add to Pinterest that always point back to the sites they came from (like yours!) If you add the Pin It button to your site, people can use it to add your stuff to Pinterest. Beautiful boards Boards are where people collect and organize their Pins. Each board tells a unique, hand-crafted story about what that person cares about. People can follow boards whose Pins they like—like yours! Simple discovery Pinterest helps people discover things in a simple, visual way. Pinners might find something they love while browsing your boards, scrolling through a category you’re listed in or searching for you directly. Connecting interests Pinterest connects people through shared interests—their passions, hobbies, tastes and values. You can inspire them by using Pinterest in a personal, authentic way.

Pin Like a Pro Put Pinners first Before you get started, consider what Pinners really care about. Check out your web analytics to see what they like best, or talk to them directly. Tailor your Pins for them. Whole Foods has boards for gardening, DIY products and volunteer work for their sustainability-conscious followers. Curate your collection Create a few boards to start your collection. The very best boards are inspiring, with beautiful images that draw people in. They’re also about a specific topic, like travel or recipes. Madewell curated a beautiful board with Pins for every color of the rainbow. Show what inspires you Instead of just showing off your products, show what inspires them. Create boards for the ideas, places, people and moods behind your brand. UGallery invites artists who inspire them to help curate their boards.

Pin Like a Pro Be authentic Use your boards to show your values, personality and taste. It’s okay to get creative and be yourself. The Pioneer Woman is a popular food blogger who knows how to be herself. Her boards make you feel like you’re right there with her, cooking on her ranch. Share your Pins Once you’ve started to grow your community, you can promote your Pinterest account and even showcase your Pins on your own site. West Elm helps people discover and share their most popular Pins right on

Pins Should Be... Thoughtful and Detailed.

Every Pin should have a description that gives context. The best descriptions make Pins more inspirational and also provide extra

information so people can figure out if something’s right for them. They should mention the most compelling aspects of the Pin and inspire people to do something. They also use correct capitalization and


Images shouldn’t contain promotional information (“10% off” or “Two for $9.99!”), calls to action (“Call now!”) or references to Pinterest

functionality (“Click here to pin!”). Don’t include hashtags in either the image or description.

While only about 75-100 characters of your description will appear in grid view, you can include up to 500 and they’ll all appear when people click to see the Pin close-up. Generally speaking, more characters mean more

helpful details and more opportunities to show up in search results.

Pins Should ... Offer instructions and how-tos Step-by-step instructions and other tutorials help break down complicated projects and make it easier for people to bring their creative ideas to life. Use lists to help curate Curated lists are totally save-worthy because they cut out some of the work in searching for the perfect recipes, products and more. Lists are a good way to create Pins that appeal to different audiences—see which ones take off and make more like them. Add simple, clear text overlay Text overlays can give Pinners a clear takeaway with a quick glance - especially when a Pin’s purpose isn’t obvious from just the image. Minimize the amount of text in an image, though, and if it’s there, make it part of the design.  

Pins Should ... Keep branding and logos tasteful Done well, branding can add credibility to your Pin without being distracting or overly commercial. Use Rich Pins wherever possible so your brand stays on the Pin as it gets repinned. Avoid talking too much about your brand in the description. Use colors and settings that convey your brand Showcase products in an inspirational context by placing them in a background that conveys the tone of your brand. Avoid time-sensitive information Pins last forever, so steer clear of including prices or words like “new” that won’t always be relevant. Link out to places that help people For example, a movie Pin should lead to the trailer or a review, and a product Pin should lead to where a Pinner can make the purchase.

Pins Should ... Use high-quality images Use high-resolution, professional-quality photographs and illustrations. Don’t use images that are poorly lit, out of focus or otherwise appear amateurish. Size and shape matter Pins look best when they’re vertically oriented. An image aspect ratio of 2:3 to 1:3.5 and a minimum width of 600px is recommended. Pins get cut off in feeds if the ratio is greater than 1:3.5, so make sure the image isn’t too tall. For example, an image that is 600px wide should be between 900px and 2100px tall. Don’t use more than four separate images in a Pin. Images should have a focus or a clear theme—not just an assortment of random products. Don’t add a border or other alteration (like rounded corners) to Pin images.

Do More with Rich Pins

Rich Pins are Pins that include extra information right on the Pin itself. There are 6 types of Rich Pins: app, movie, recipe, article,

product and place.

Help people get your app. App Pins include an install button, so Pinners can download your app without ever leaving Pinterest. (For now, App Pins are compatible with iOS apps only.) Take travelers to their next adventure. Place Pins include a map, address, and phone number. Help Pinners create their reading lists. Article Pins include headline, author and story description, helping Pinners find and save stories that matter to them.

Do More with Rich Pins

Make it easy for people to buy your stuff Product Pins include real time pricing, availability and where to buy. Pinners also get notifications when product Pins they've added drop in price. Teach foodies to make recipes from your site Recipe Pins include ingredients, cooking times and serving info to get Pinterest cooks excited to hit the kitchen.  Show film buffs their favorite movies Movie Pins include ratings, cast members and reviews to help Pinners learn about new flicks.    More  on  Rich  Pins:­‐pins  

More Tips for Pinterest

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Here’s your chance to ask me anything you want to know about

what we learned today.



Ashley Northington DENOR Brands & Public Relations

700 Craighead Street, Suite 107 Nashville, Tennessee 37204 Office: 1.855.809.6697

Email: Twitter & Facebook: @ashnorthington | @DENORPR |