Make 2018 an Exemplary Year in Your Marriage


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Marriage is the greatest relationship that exists between a man and a woman from different backgrounds and are supposed to stay together until death separates them. It is also the most fertile ground for conflicts. In allowing God to take the lead in the marriage institution, you can get great marriage in 2018.

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• The Biblical Principles in Marriage

• A. Marriage is a covenant. Malachi 2:14(NIV)

• 14 You ask, “Why?” It is because the LORD is the witness between you and the wife of your youth. You have been unfaithful to her, though she is your partner, the wife of your marriage covenant.

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• B. Marriage is a companionship.

Proverbs 27:9(HCSB)

• 9 Oil and incense bring joy to the heart, and the sweetness of a friend is better than self-counsel.

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• C. Marriage is a commitment.

• Proverbs 5:15-17(AKJV)

• 15 Drink waters out of thine own cistern,and running waters out of thine own well.16 Let thy fountains be dispersed abroad,and rivers of waters in the streets.17 Let them be only thine own,and not strangers’ with thee.

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• The Word of God gives us clear direction for our marriage.

• 1. It is a shared commitment. (Proverbs 18:22)

• 2. It is an abiding friendship. (Proverbs 31:10-12)

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• 3. It is based on an abiding faith. (Proverbs 15:16, 17)

• In 2018, you will need to be committed to your marriage, enhance the friendship with your spouse and abide in faith in God.

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• There is need for a health, happy and rewarding marriage in 2018. You need to recoup all the lost love and passion that you had previously.

• You need to identify what caused the issues that brought the marriage to its knees if you want to make your marriage great.

• Set your mind to make amends in this year.

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• Dream Again. Look at your marriage afresh. There are good things about your spouse that you cannot get with another person.

• You had some pretty exciting dreams when you first got married. But life has a way of throwing cold water on your passions.

• If that’s happened to you, it’s time to take charge and start dreaming again so you can have the marriage you want.

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• Stop focusing on what’s wrong with your marriage:

: Focus on its strengths.

: Focus on the good stuff.

: Focus on giving a prayer of thanks for everything you’re thankful for with your marriage and spouse.

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• Build on the foundation you have today for a happy marriage tomorrow that lasts for the rest of your life.

Surely: It's never too late start again.

Surely: It's never too late to become the spouse you were meant to be.

Surely: It's never to late to be happy.

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• Ways to make your marriage great.

• 1. Accept personal responsibility for your part in the relationship.

• 2. Prioritize your lifestyle so that your spouse doesn't get second best.

• 3. Learn to share your feelings in a positive way, not in an attack.

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• 4. Evaluate your relationship.

• 5. Repent of letting your marriage drift.

• 6. Recognize that you need your spouse.

• 7. Read books on marriage that are biblically based.

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• The success of any marriage is very important. We make our marriage successful by:

• 1. Allow God the Kingship in your marriage.

• Man’s ways are inspired by the flesh and Satan. Satan is working to divide the home and split the marriage. The question remains. Will we do it God’s way, or will we do it man’s way which Satan quickly uses?

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• 2. Successful couples learn to intentionally do things that will bring happiness back when life pulls it away. Happiness is not the most important thing. Everyone wants to be happy, but happiness will come and go.

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• 3. Do things differently to avoid getting the same results.

• Wise couples have learned that you have to approach problems differently to get different results. Minor changes in approach, attitude and actions make the biggest difference in marriage.

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• 4. Adjust your attitude.

• Changing behaviour is important, but so is changing attitudes. Bad attitudes often drive bad feelings and actions.

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• 5. Don’t be static: change your mind, change your marriage.

• Your thought life and beliefs about your spouse affect how he/she perceives you. What he/she expects and how he/she treats each other matters greatly.

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• 6. Successful couples enhance their marriages by cultivating good relationships and seeking to improve their marriage.

• They put their energy into making themselves and their marriage better.

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• 7. Add your marriage value in just showing up.

• When things get tough and couples don't know what to do, they need to hang in there and be there for their spouse. Time has a way of helping couples work things out by providing opportunities to reduce stress and overcome challenges.

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• 8. Successful couples have learned to resist holding grudges and bringing up the past. They remember that they married an imperfect person and so did their spouse.

• 9. Never direct your blames on your spouse. You can change your marriage by changing yourself. Often, the only person we can change in our marriage is ourselves.

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• 10. Love in marriage is not based on feelings but commitment. Feelings can go and come back but commitment can be a lasting essential element in the marriage.

• 11. Endure the marriage crisis.

• Crises are like storms. A crisis can be a new beginning. It's out of pain that great people and marriages are produced. A crisis doesn't mean the marriage is over.

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• 12. Review your Conflict Solving strategy.Every marriage experiences some form of conflict and for many marriages, conflict is just a way for the marriage to grow.

• You should not look at conflict as the end. Use marriage conflict resolution to help work through problems and to come out the other side with a stronger marriage.

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• The best thing about marriage conflict resolution is that when done properly, it will strengthen your marriage.

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• Build trust in God and with your spouse. Don’t allow your past hurt to influence marriage decisions in 2018. This is the year of KINGDOM MANIFESTATION AND PARTICULARLY IN OUR MARRIAGES.

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