Research and planning


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Research & Planning


GenreTo be able to carry out your research, you would need to know what genre your production will be. A genre is the type/topic of production it is, for example, songs have genres such as rock, pop and classical. Films have genres such as horror, crime, comedy and romance.

Primary and secondary researchPrimary research is the research that you gather yourself. This involves questionnaires , interviews and surveys. Secondary research makes use of the information that was previously researched. Some examples of secondary research are books and internet.

Target AudienceThe target audience is the age/gender of the audience that you’re making your production for, for example, if you was to make a film about a football school, the target audience would mostly be teenage boys.

Codes & ConventionsCodes are systems of signs, which create meaning. These may include both technical codes or symbolic codes. For example, a code that creates meaning is gold chains and baggy pants in a Hip-Hop music video.Conventions- Technical Conventions - A convention in a technical area. These conventions, apply to the majority of music videos for e.g. the video being the same length as the song.- Genre Conventions - this is where conventions are associated with a particular genre. An example of this would be pop videos, dance routines and bands performing songs with instruments.

Agreement FormAn agreement form is in a letter form which is written by the sender (in a production the sender would possibly be thr director) to the addressee, who then agrees to the situation/requirements.

TimetableA timetable is used so a person knows where they are at certain times. For example, on a film set an actor would have a timetable which would tell the where to be at what time (2:00pm on set).


Location (Recce)The location is needed so you know where to create your production. For example, if you was making a film like ‘Mean Girls’ then the main location would be in a school.

Equipment/PropsThe equipment would be the things you need in order to create your production, such as microphones, lights and cameras.The props would be the things that you need whilst creating your production e.g. a football or a phone.

Risk AssessmentA risk assessment makes sure that people are aware of the risks around them and it gives them a prevention for the problem. For example, if water is spilt on the floor, the risk would be slipping on it and the prevention would be to wipe it up straight away then nobody slips on it.

Actors/CrewThe actor(s) would be the person/people you have chosen to be a part in your production. If you was to make a film, you would chose actors to take part in different parts on the film.The crew is the people behind the scenes creating the production. e.g. camera man

StoryboardA story board would show/tell you what happens in each scene. It tells you how long the scene is on for, the location, the actors in the scene, the lighting etc.

ScriptA script would tell somebody what they are saying and when they are saying it. It also gives stage direction and expressions. For example, if an actor had to shout, the script would tell them to look angry/annoyed and stand/do something in a particular way.

Health & SafetyHealth and safety is used to make sure that everything in the area is safe and wont harm anybody. For example, on a film set you would make sure all of the lights are securely in place so they wont fall on anybody and injure them.

FundingFunding is the money provided for the particular purpose. For example, if an actor needed clothes for their character, the funding would cover that and pay for it.

RolesThe roles are the parts that actors play. An actor would play a role of a character for a film or advert.

Plan BPlan B is an alternative strategy incase the first plan doesn’t work out. It is basically a back up plan for Plan A.

Contact NumbersContact numbers are important when creating a production just incase anything goes wrong. A family member of the actor might need to be contacted if anything happens with the actor.

FacilitiesThe facilities for a production would be a place or a piece of equipment provided for a particular purpose.

Release FormA release form is to give freedom or free movement to someone or something.