Social Media’s Influence on Search: Going Beyond Rankings



How do people find your brand, content, or products? Surely it's not only in search engines, right? They're finding you through shares on Facebook, searches on Yelp and YouTube, or other social networks, about as much as they're finding you in Google. This presentation will walk you through the steps of ensuring you have a tight strategy to combine both social and SEO to create an overall search strategy that skyrockets your traffic from all areas.

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Social Media’s Influence on Search: Going Beyond Rankings

Jennifer Sable Lopez Director of Community at Moz


Is Social a Ranking Factor?


Not Directly

How We’d Like it to Work

Create a Great Resource

Get Tons of Social Shares

@jennita #SMXSydney

Rank #1 in Google!

@jennita #SMXSydney

How it Really Works

Create a Great Resource

Get Tons of Social Shares

@jennita #SMXSydney

Shared with Authority

@jennita #SMXSydney

Of Varying Degrees

@jennita #SMXSydney

Lots of People See it

@jennita #SMXSydney

Get Mentions Across Web

@jennita #SMXSydney

Earn Lots of Links

@jennita #SMXSydney

With Varying Anchor Text

@jennita #SMXSydney

From High Authority Sites

Including This One?

Including This One?

@jennita #SMXSydney

Rank #1 in Google!

@jennita #SMXSydney


Social Assists + Influences

SEO in Many Ways

Quick Indexing

@jennita #SMXSydney

G+ post indexed!Damn good lookin’ SERP right there!

Grows Exposure

@jennita #SMXSydney

Increase Links

@jennita #SMXSydney

Beginner’s Guide to Social launched in January. !In February we did another push. !It continues to earn links & social shares!!

Demonstrates Popularity

@jennita #SMXSydney

Signal of Relevance

@jennita #SMXSydney

Connect your G+ account to Adwords!

“Recent posts” is all about our latest launch!!


@jennita #SMXSydney

Personalized Results

@jennita #SMXSydney

This is a G+ Post Page – They ALL get indexed!

Good thing we had “Moz Local” in the beginning of the title eh?!

Grow Traffic

@jennita #SMXSydney @jennita

Social! Search!

How Do You

Integrate Social Into

Your Search Strategy?

Start by Making the

Experience Consistent.

@jennita #SMXSydney!

Let’s Look at this Post

@jennita #SMXSydney!

How it Looks in Search

Ooooh Noms!!!

449 calories!!

Author has other recipes!

@jennita #SMXSydney!

And on Facebook

@jennita #SMXSydney!

What about Twitter?

@jennita #SMXSydney!

Boom. Pinterest.

@jennita #SMXSydney!

Overall Experience?

Holy Consistency!!


How Most Pages Look

@jennita #SMXSydney!

Nice, Informational Page

@jennita #SMXSydney!

SERP - Looks Good eh?

@jennita #SMXSydney!

What About on Facebook?

Not too bad, eh?

@jennita #SMXSydney!

And Pinterest…

Oooh! Pretty picture

@jennita #SMXSydney!



@jennita #SMXSydney!



@jennita #SMXSydney!

Overall Experience?

Completely Inconsistent


Put as Much Effort

Into Social as You Do

Into Search

Start With Open Graph

@jennita #SMXSydney!

Nutella SERP

@jennita #SMXSydney

Nutella Page on Facebook

@jennita #SMXSydney

How Open Graph Works

@jennita #SMXSydney @jennita

On-Page Title + Title Tag!

Title When Shared on FB!

OpenGraph –

!<!-- Open Graph data -->!<meta property="og:title" content="Title Here" />!!<meta property="og:type" content="article" />!!<meta property="og:url" content="" />!!<meta property="og:image" content="" />!!<meta property="og:description" content="Description Here" />! !

@jennita #SMXSydney!

Facebook Debugger

@jennita #SMXSydney!

Facebook Debugger

@jennita #SMXSydney

If your page isn’t showing up properly in FB!

Facebook Debugger

@jennita #SMXSydney

Or you have an old version of the page cached in FB!

Facebook Debugger

@jennita #SMXSydney

Use the FB Debugger to re-cache!!

Twitter Cards

@jennita #SMXSydney!

Regular Text Tweet


@jennita #SMXSydney!

Summary Card (default)



@jennita #SMXSydney!

Summary Card Large Image


@jennita #SMXSydney!

Twitter Card Code !<!-- Twitter card data -->!<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary">!!<meta name="twitter:site" content="@twitterhandle">!!<meta name="twitter:creator" content="@AuthorTwitter”> ! !<meta name="twitter:title" content=”Title specific to Twitter – short works great!">!!<meta name="twitter:description" content=”Remember this is being shared on Twitter, make it enticing to the FB user.">!!<meta name="twitter:image" content=”image URL for the image you want to display">!!

@jennita #SMXSydney!

Twitter Card Validator!

@jennita #SMXSydney!

Add Your Site

@jennita #SMXSydney!

Twitter Card Analytics

Pinterest – Rich Pins!

@jennita #SMXSydney!

Regular Pin

@jennita #SMXSydney!

Rich Pin


@jennita #SMXSydney!

Rich Pin


@jennita #SMXSydney!!

@jennita #SMXSydney!

Rich Pin =

@jennita #SMXSydney!

Rich Pins Validator!

There’s No Doubt, that

Social Influences Search.

It’s Your Job, to Make

the Most out of It!

Jennifer Sable Lopez Director of Community at Moz

@jennita !!

Thank You
