Track Revenue Generated from User Shared Content


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Let’s say you have content on your website or blog

worthy of a “Social Share” button...


SocialRest measures the social effectiveness

of content published to your website, blog, or apps.

But how, exactly, does that work?


And your brand influencers are sharing that content

to social sites...


Social users engage with the shared content, click on

the link, and are directed to your website.


Once a user converts to your brand, that’s when

SocialRest’s magic begins to kick in.


As users engage and convert to your brand, SocialRest

measures the success of shared content...


...and the way social users convert to your brand.


SocialRest gives you the tools you need to engage the

right audience with the right content to generate


Every brand engages users with digital content worth sharing. Content may come in the form of a website,

user applications, news stories, social stories, emails, or something else completely unique. Strategically

published content is inspiring, actionable, and always hungry for more engagement. In order to drive that

engagement, brands must first understand why users engage the way they do, and what makes their content

go viral.

SocialRestSocialRest was born out of this simple idea. All user engagement with a brand’s shareable content is being

tracked and monitored with SocialRest implemented. SocalRest gives you the ability to track how users are

sharing your published content, define your top social influencers, and provide ROI from these efforts.


So now that you know what SocialRest does,

let’s talk about who we are.

Increase Awareness Build Community Generate Publicity

Social Media Consulting Provided by:

Plans starting at $1,500 per month

One-on-One Social Media Program

• 1-hour call per week (Or as needed)

• Unlimited email support – your go-to resource for social media questions

• Basic technical assistance setting up social media tools

• Support in creating social media strategy

• Guidance on social media content, promotions

• Education on latest social media techniques, tools and technology• Education on latest social media techniques, tools and technology

• Ongoing assistance in analyzing results and how to optimize your efforts

SocialRest’s Social Media Marketing services are intended to serve three main purposes:

Social Media Consulting
