Who would be the audience for your media product


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Who would be the audience for your media product? (By Daniel)

As our protagonist is a young male teenager, the main audience that we are focusing on are young teenagers. The modern fashion that the protagonist wears are relatable and people may become interested in the movie. It has a simple concept, yet very interesting, and since the main character is a teenager, it will make it easier for the viewers to imagine themselves in the protagonist’s situation. Horror movies have gotten popular, with 28 Days Later grossing $82m in box office in 2003, to World War Z grossing $540m in 2013, showing a huge increase of interest within the genre.

It contains elements of horror, making the storyline more interesting, but not as generic as films such as Saw, or the Conjuring. Seeing the protagonist with an absence of technology can show how people might struggle if technology didn’t exist, and this can make the audience interested in our product.