Winning at Facebook. A How-To Lesson Plan for Bike Retailers



Your post was brilliant but no one liked, commented, or shared. What happened? This lesson plan teaches you the basics of being awesome on Facebook. This is not a strategy, this is tactical! We wrote it for bike retailers but really, these rules apply to anyone- bog or small- brand, business, or person.

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Many retailers are getting their asses kicked on

and they have no clue why.

Lets say you own a bike shop…

…and your bike shop has 1000 Likes on Facebook

You want everyone on your Facebook page to know about something. So you post it to your feed.

You want everyone on your Facebook page to know about something. So you post it to your feed.

This is called an organic post.

But how many people really saw it?

Only about 7%

Only about 7%


This is because Facebook filters a user’s feed based

historical interaction and only shows them ‘relevant’ content.

They even have a fancy formula for how they do this.

It ’s called EdgeRank.

Here is how it works…

Here is how it works…

Here is how it works…

multiplied by


We understand.

We’ve been teaching retailers social strategy for a long time. And we’ve learned there are three ways to be awesome on Facebook.

1. Promoted Post! Pay money to have your content pushed up the feed.

2. Targeted Post! Pick the perfect demographics to speak to. Increasing your odds of interaction.

3. Be Awesome! Make kick ass content people want to like, comment on, and share!

But know this… If you’re content isn’t awesome then Promoted Posts or Targeted Posts won’t work. Facebook rewards people who are awesome at creating Facebook content.

So let’s talk about

how to be AWESOME!

To be awesome on Facebook you have to give, give, give, give, give, give, give, give, give, give, and then… …then you have permission to ask for something in return.

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But if you only remember one thing… …please remember that ads on Facebook suck! Who wants their Facebook feed filled with ads? No one. Which is why no one responds to them. No likes. No comments. Sad but not surprising.

People want to be entertained! They want to have fun on their Facebook feed. 197 likes. 4 comments. 11 shares. That is awesome. Suit up big boy!

No one wants to read ads and promotions. They get enough of that from everyone else. No one follows you because you have great ads. Only 1 like? How sad.

Try saying the same thing but with a more personal touch. It’s ok to have fun. And being witty never hurts. 26 likes mutha-flippers! Get it? It’s a Salsa demo, and they brought chips. They so witty.

And another example. The image in link doesn’t match the content . So confusing. And who wants to open a calendar anyway? 2 likes. Snooze.

Same message, but this time it’s awesome

because it’s got:

Fun and relatable image. Strong call to action.

They tagged someone

24 likes! Winner-winner gin for dinner.

Likes, shares, and comments. If you want likes, shares, and comments then the content needs to be something awesome! Like = “ I agree.” Share = “That represents me!” Comment = “ I can add insight.”

How hard is it to get engagement from your readers? Like = Hard to get Share = Harder to get Comment = Hardest to get

The best way to get a lot of comments is to bluntly ask for them.

And keep asking for them…

Once you get people commenting… Remember these 3 steps to great engagement. 1. You talk (everyone does this) 2. They respond (kind of cool) 3. You engage (FANTASTIC!) If someone comments, likes, or shares your post. Reply back and like their comment. It’s the courteous thing to do.

This was a great post 28 likes, 4 comments, and 2 shares. Nice! But no response? They missed their chance to engage with their followers here. Frustrating.

Lesson review: Give before you ask Ads really suck Likes are easier than shares are easier than comments Engagement = you talk, they respond, and you engage

And… If you found this helpful. If we gave, gave, gave, gave you ideas. Maybe we could get you to share it? Any questions, hit us up: sbcu@
