12 Key Performance Indicators for QA & Test Magers


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12 Key Performance Indicators for QA & Test Managers

Matt Angerer Ryan S. Furner

This KPI is important for Test Managers because it helps them monitor the test design activity of their Business Analysts and Testing Engineers. As new requirements are written, it’s important to develop associated system tests and decide whether those test cases should be flagged for your regression test suite. In other words, is the test that your Test Engineer is writing going to cover a critical piece of functionality in your Application Under Testing (AUT)? If yes, then flag it for your regression testing suite and slot it for automation. If no, then add it to the bucket of manual tests that can be executed ad hoc when necessary. Our suggestion is to track the “Authored Tests” in relation to the number of Requirements for a given IT project. In other words, if you subscribe to the philosophy that every requirement should have test coverage (i.e., an associated test), then you should set the threshold for this KPI to equal the number of requirements or user stories outlined for a sprint. That would equate to one (1) test case for every requirement in “Ready” status.

Authored Texts1

We have to admit that this is a tricky KPI to track. Opinions abound on what to automate vs. what not to automate, as well as the costs associated with maintaining the automation of system test cases. Generally speaking, the more automated tests you have in place – the more likely it is that you’ll trap critical defects introduced to your software delivery stream. What we would suggest doing with this KPI is to start small and adjust upwards as your QA team evolves and matures. Set a threshold that 20% of test cases should be automated. Tracking this in HP ALM testing is simple to do through Project Planning and Track-ing (PPT) – which is not available in HP Quality Center Enterprise Edition.

2 Automated Tests

Tracking active defects is a pretty simple KPI that you should be monitoring regardless. The Active Defects KPI is better when the values are lower. Every software IT project comes with its fair share of defects. Depending on the magnitude and complexity of the project, I have seen 250+ defects active at any given time. The word“active” for this KPI could mean the status is either new, open, or fixed (and waiting for re-test). Basically, if the defect is getting “worked”, then it’s active. As a Test Manager, you should set the threshold based on historical data of the IT projects you have oversighton. Whether that’s 100 defects, 50 defects, or 25 defects – your threshold will determine when it is okay and when it is not okay. Anything above the threshold you set is “Not OK” and should be flagged for immediate action.

Track ing Active Defects3

As a former QA Test Manager, this is by far my favorite KPI to track. Here we'll track the per-centage of requirements covered by at least one test. One hundred percent test coverage should be the goal for your QA organization in 2016. The validity of a requirement hinges on whether a test exists to prove whether it works or not. The same holds true for a test that lives in your test plan. The validity of that test hinges upon whether it was designed to test out a requirement. If it’s not traced back up to a requirement, why do you need the test? Every day as a Test Manager you should moni-tor this KPI and then question the value of orphaned requirements and orphaned tests. If they are orphaned, find them a home by tracing them to a specific requirement.

4 Covered Requirements

Defects Fixed Per Day5

Don’t lose sight of how efficiently your development counterparts are working to rectify the defects brought to their attention. The Defects Fixed Per Day KPI ensures that your development team is hitting the “standard” when it comes to turning around fixes and keeping the build moving forward.

Measuring your passed requirements is an effective method of taking the pulse on a given testing cycle. It is also a good measure to consider during a Go/No-Go meeting for a large release.

6 Passed Requirements

Sometimes you need to look beyond the requirements level and peer into the execution of every test configuration within a test. A test configuration is basically a permeation of a test case that inputs different data values. The Passed Tests KPI is complimentary to your Passed Requirements KPI and helps you understand how effective your test configurations are in trapping defects. Keep in mind that you can be quickly fooled into thinking you have a quality build on your hands with this KPI if you don’t have a good handle on the test design process. Low quality test cases often yield passing results when in fact there are still issues with the build. Make sure that your team is diligentin exercising different branches of logic when designing test cases and this KPI will be ofmore value.

Pa s s e d Te s t s7

The Rejected Defects KPI is known for its ability to identify a training opportunity for our Soft-ware Testing Engineers. Think about it for a minute. If your development team is rejecting a high number of defects with a comment like “works as designed”, maybe you should take your team through the design documentation of the application under test. No more than 5% of the defects submitted should ever be rejected.

8 Rejected Defects

The Reviewed Requirements KPI is more of a “Prevention KPI” rather than a “Detection KPI.” If youhave noticed, several of the KPIs we have listed focus on the detection of defects, rather than howthey can be prevented in ALM testing. However, this KPI focuses on identifying which requirements(or user stories) have been reviewed for ambiguity. As we know, ambiguous requirements lead to bad design decisions and ultimately wasted resources. As a QA or Testing Manager, it is your responsibility to monitor whether each of the requirements has been reviewed by a subject matterexpert (SME) within your organization who truly understands the business process that the technology is supporting.

Reviewed Requirements9

We see too many of our clients get hung up on the severity level of defects. It’s a great KPI to monitor, but make certain that your team employs checks and balances when setting the severity of a defect. After you ensure the nece-sary checks and balances are in place, you can set a threshold for this KPI. If a defect status is Urgent or Very High, count it against this KPI. If the total count exceeds 10, throw a red flag.

1 Severe Defects0

Test Instances Executed11

This KPI only relates to the velocity of your test execution plan. It doesn't provide insight into the quality of your build, instead shedding light on the percentage of total instances available in a test set. Think of it as a balance sheet for your test instances in the TEST LAB of HP ALM testing. As a Test Manager, you can monitor this KPI along with a test execution burn down chart to gauge whether additional testers may be required for projects with a large manual testing focus.

Building this KPI in HP ALM is a way to look beyond the Test Instances and monitor all different types of test execution, including manual, automated, etc. This shouldn’t be your only tool to monitor velocity during a given sprint or test execution cycle. You should also pay close attention to the KPIs described above. This KPI is more or less a velocity KPI, whereas a few of the ones outlined above help you monitor “preventative measures” while comparing them to “detection measures.”

Tests Executed21


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