Agility - Part 1 of 2


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Agility - Part 1 of 2

Dennis Byrne


Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

Working software over comprehensive documentation

Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

Responding to change over following a plan

Responding to Change over following a plan

Iterations - Fixed Length Intervals

● One week vs. two week

● Measure Results

● Course Correction

● Fail Fast

Iteration 0

Technical Bootstrap

● Repository

● Test suites

● Continuous Integration

● Host provisioning

● Hardware

● App Store

● Monitors everywhere

● Card Wall

Backlog & User Stories

As a system role

I need feature

So that business value

● Estimation Scales

● “a placeholder for a conversation”

Iterations 1 … N

Card Wall

● Not just engineers

● Each person says three thingso What I got done in the last 24 hours

o What I plan on getting done in the next 24 hours

o What is blocking me

● Less than 15 minutes

Standup Meeting

Iterations 1 … N

● Testingo prevent regression

o enable change

o as documentation

● Pair Programming

● “Done Done”

Time’s up

● Retrospective

● Demo

● Velocity

● Burn Down Charts

Burn Down Charts

Burn Down Charts

The End

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

Working software over comprehensive documentation

Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

Responding to change over following a plan
