Diageo BBBien App - Airtouch


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Why is this app special?

Facebook & Google Maps integrations

Quartz 2D roulette drawings with masks

Asynchronous mode of POIs loading on the region of the map

Mobile Development from Airtouch:

Android & iPhone/iPad App for World's Largest Producer of

Beverages - Diageo

Airtouch mobile development team developed the iOS/Android App BBBien for world's largest producer of beverages - Diageo.

BBBien allows users to easily find the fastest and most effective public transportation option in any Spanish city, encouraging safe and responsible alcohol consumption.

Project Overview

Airtouchmedia @ AirtouchMedia Airtouchmedia hello@airtouchmedia.com

Armando Avila KramisCEO

aavila@airtouchmedia.comWhatsapp: +34 659 436 519