Mobile apps with Ionic 2


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Mobile Apps with Ionic 2

Mobile Apps with Ionic 2

Hello!Group 15Nguyn Vn KhoaPhan Minh HongNguyn Th Hin

GoalIonic OverviewArchitecture of InoicComponents and demoQ&A ????

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Ionic Overview

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$8.5 m in fundingThats a lot of money~29k stars on GithubTop 40 OSS project4 million appsIonic apps have topped app store charts

Ionic Showcase

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Few technical thingsBuilt on top of AngularWrite your app in JS (ES5, 2016) or TypeScriptCSS ( SCSS )HTML 5 with custom tags and controlIntegrates with Cordova

=> Hoang will present these features!

But wait, whats Typescript?

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.Life will be easier with TypeScript

Typescript, huh?

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Cordova PluginsAccess native APIBattery, Camera, Contacts, GPS, FileSystemNative Notifications, VibrationIn app purchases

Progressive Web Apps in IonicProgressive web apps: The mobile future?

Progressive Web Apps in Ionic

Ionic Tools- Ionic Creator- Ionic Cloud

Architecture of Ionic

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Components and Demo

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