Mysql User Camp : 20-June-14 : Mysql New features and NoSQL Support

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This slide was presented at Mysql User Camp Event on 20-June-14 at Oracle bangalore. This presentation gives a good insight about New Features in Mysql 5.7 DMR 4 and Nosql Support in Mysql.

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What's new in MySQL 5.7and

NoSQL Support in MYSQL

Sudipto SahooSenior MySQL Engineer

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Program Agenda

§ What is MySQL ?§ What’s New in MySQL 5.7§ What is NoSQL?§ NoSQL Support in MySQL§ Q & A

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What is MySQL ?

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§“MySQL is the world's most widely used open source relational database management system (RDBMS) that runs as a server providing multi-user access to a number of databases”

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What is MySQL ?

§ Robust ACID compliant RDBMS

§ Open Source (GPL v2 + proprietary)

§ Used by some of the largest web properties in the world

§ Abundantly present in all major Linux distributions and hosting providers

§ Properly documented and professionally supported by Oracle

§ Simple to get and easy to use

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What’s new in MySQL 5.7 ?

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Raising The Bar

Again and Again, Evolving MySQL for You

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MySQL 5.7: DMR 4

InnoDB for better transactional throughput, availability, IO

Replication for better scalability and availability

Utilities for dev/ops automation

Performance Schema for better performance metrics

Optimizer for better EXPLAINing, query performance, enhanced buffering and partition optimization

Connecting at higher rates, improve session efficiency

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MySQL 5.7: InnoDB

Improved InnoDB Online Alter Table– Online Rename Index, Online Change Varchar

Parallel “Dirty Page” Flushing– Higher throughput, performance, and scalability

Partitions – support for Transportable Tablespaces (TTS)– TTS support for individual partitions

Many Improvements

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MySQL 5.7: InnoDB Temp Tables

New Separate tablespace for temporary tables– One of the goals of 5.7 is to optimize InnoDB temp tables for better performance.

With the following work done in 5.7.2 it is about 11X faster for CREATE/DROP temp table and about 2-4X faster for INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE on temp tables, as compared with 5.6.

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MySQL 5.7: Improved MDL locking

Removes bottlenecks around DML access to a single table– 10% increased throughput in OLTP_RO/POINT_SELECT sysbench tests

on higher core counts

– Optimized for typical DML heavy workloads

Implemented fast-path for DML locks Implemented lock-free DML lock acquisition Implemented a lock-free hash

– Now uses MurmurHash library

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MySQL 5.7.4: Replication

Higher throughput – Slave : applies transactions in parallel even within same database

– Change master without stopping SQL thread

– Master: better synchronization between replication-user sessions

Lossless Replication through enhanced Semi-sync– Make the master wait for more than one slave to acknowledge back

– Semisync separate acks collector

Performance Schema tables for monitoring slave

Dynamic Replication Filters: change filters on the fly

Better Performance, Improved Usability and Enhanced HA

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Multi-Source Replication Consolidate updates from multiple

Masters into one Slave– Consolidated view of all shards

– More flexible topologies

– Centralized point for backups, easier reporting

Compatible with Semi-Synchronous Replication & enhanced MTS

Master-specific slave filters planned for GA

Application must keep data sets disjoint between sources


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MySQL Multi-Threaded Slave

The evolution…– 2010: Inter-schema MTS (labs)

– 2013: Inter-schema MTS (5.6 GA)

– 2013: Intra-schema MTS (5.7.2 DMR)

– Today: Tune size of group commit buckets - trading commit latency on master (labs)

6X slave throughput

Slave keeps pace with the master











0 4 8 12 16 22 24 28 32 36 40 44 48







Slave Worker Threads

Slave Throughput

L a r g e r B G C b u c k e t

N o M a s t e r I m p a c t

B a s e l i n e

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Built with input from Facebook 5.7 is able to handle 56K connect/disconnect per second

• mysql-bench • 25 concurrent client threads • Executing connect/select/disconnect • 100000 iterations each

+32% +64%

MySQL 5.7: Connections / SecondFaster processing of new connections

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MySQL 5.7: Performance Schema

Extended the statement instrumentation

– Stored Procedures and Stored Functions

– Prepared Statements

– Transactions

Statement Instrumentation

Instruments for Memory

– Added for over 200 Memory Types

Aggregates memory usage statistics by

– Type of memory used (caches, internal buffers, …)

– Thread/account/user/host indirectly performing the memory operation

Attributes include

– Memory used (bytes), Operation counts, High/Low Water Marks

Memory Usage

Additional instrumentation and metrics

– Replication slave status

– MDL lock instrumentation

Additional Data

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MySQL 5.7 Sysbench BenchmarkSysbench Point Select

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X7560 x86_645 sockets x 8 cores-HT (80 CPU threads)2.27GHz, 256G RAMOracle Linux 6.5

2X Faster than MySQL 5.6 Over 3X Faster than MySQL 5.5

630,000 QPS

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MySQL Repositories: Yum

Simple and convenient way to install & update MySQL products Supports the following distributions

– RedHat Enterprise/Oracle Linux– Fedora– Debian/Ubuntu

Includes the latest packages– MySQL Database– MySQL Workbench– MySQL Connector/ ODBC– MySQL Connector/Python– MySQL Utilities

Benefits both End Users and Linux Distributions

And now also onNuGet for Windows Devs

Over 50% of downloads for Fedora/RedHat already

from the repositories

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What is NoSQL ?

Copyright © 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.21

NoSQLA NoSQL or Not Only SQL database provides a mechanism for storage and retrieval of data that is

modeled in means other than the tabular relations used in relational databases. Consistency, Availability, Partition Tolerance (CAP)-

Consistency: all nodes see the same data at the same time

Availability: a guarantee that every request receives a response about whether it was successful or failed

Partition tolerance: the system continues to operate despite arbitrary message loss

The NoSQL taxonomy supports key-value stores, document store, BigTable, and graph databases.


Concurrent NoSQL and SQL access to the database;

Simple multi-master replication with automated failover and recovery within and across data centers;

Auto-sharding and scale-out across commodity hardware;

Online scaling and schema changes;

ACID compliance, Foreign Key constraints (enforced on all APIs) and support for complex queries;

In-memory computing for real-time performance.

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Oracle added NoSQL capabilities to the InnoDB engine in MySQL 5.6, providing a 9x improvement in transaction performance. How?Oracle has implemented NoSQL interfaces to the MySQL database and MySQL Cluster. They bypass the SQL layer completely. Without SQL parsing and optimization, data can be written directly to MySQL tables up to nine-times faster, while maintaining ACID guarantees. Moreover, users can still run complex SQL queries across the same data set.

Memcached API with InnoDB-MySQL provides simple, direct, key-value interaction with InnoDB data via Memcached API.

Memcached is an in-memory key-value store for small chunks of arbitrary data (strings, objects) from results of database calls, API calls, or page rendering.

Memcached is used by many large Web properties.

Bypass the expense of SQL and go directly to InnoDB data for lookups and transactionally guaranteed updates. The API makes it possible to re-use standard Memcached libraries and clients, extending Memcached functionality by integrating a persistent, crash-safe, transactional database back-end

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Example Codefunction get_foo(int userid) {

data = db_select("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid = ?", userid);

return data;


After conversion to Memcached:function get_foo(int userid) {

/* first try the cache */

data = memcached_fetch("userrow:" + userid);

if (!data) {

/* not found : request database */

data = db_select("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid = ?", userid);

/* then store in cache until next get */

memcached_add("userrow:" + userid, data);


return data; }

get(), set(), put()

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Working example of using Memcached API for InnoDB

1. Load the Memcached plugin at startup time by adding this option to your my.cnf file:

plugin-load =

Or load it at runtime this way: mysql> install plugin daemon_memcached soname "";

2.Load the Memcached-specific system schema, where the custom storage mappings between InnoDB and Memcached, along with some behavior configuration, are defined

mysql> source /usr/share/mysql/innodb_memcached_config.sql

3. Define your custom data storage mapping:

First, I created a table to store user session key-value pairs (the key will be stored in the id_name field in the "<id>|<name>" format):

mysql> create database myapp;

mysql> create table myapp.user_session_data (id_name varchar(255), value varchar(255), expiretime int, primary key (id_name));

Next, set it up as a valid Memcached container and define the mapping between Memcached and InnoDB:

insert into innodb_memcache.containers values ("sessions", "myapp", "user_session_data", "id_name", "value", 0, 0, "expiretime", "PRIMARY");

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Working example

4. Test it out from the command-line (the parameters/format for the raw telnet interface are "<key> <flags> <expiretime> <bytes>" followed by the <value>):

shell> telnet 11211


Connected to

Escape character is '^]'.

set @@sessions.1|color 0 600 7




Now we can see the data persisted within our InnoDB table:

mysql> select * from myapp.user_session_data;


| id_name | value | expiretime |


| 1|color | black | 1389816198 |


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Working example

5. Incorporate the new methods into your application. Java for example -


import java.util.HashMap;

import net.spy.memcached.MemcachedClient;

public class MemcachedTest{

public static void main( String[] args ){

MemcachedClient mc = null;

int id = 2;

String mysqlMemcachedMappingName = "@@sessions.";


mc = new MemcachedClient(

new InetSocketAddress( "", 11211 ) );

mc.set( mysqlMemcachedMappingName + id + "|color", 3600, "red" );

String gColor = (String) mc.get(

mysqlMemcachedMappingName + id + "|color" );

System.out.println( "Color: " + gColor );


} catch (Exception e) {

System.err.println( "Error: " + e.toString() );

} finally {

mc = null; } } }

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NoSQL inserts can be as much as 9x faster than using SQL

on an 8-core Intel server with 16GB of RAM, running Oracle Linux

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5.6 vs 5.7 - 1M QPS

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