NVivo and your Dissertation Defense


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Getting Started and Finishing your Dissertation Using NVivo


Kristi Jackson, MEd PhD



Session 1 ◦ NVivo and successfully defended dissertations

Session 2 ◦ NVivo and the dissertation literature review

Session 3 ◦ NVivo, ethics and IRBs

Session 4 ◦ NVivo and your dissertation defense

Large group

Small group


Independent work

Stay a 4th day

at no extra cost


1. Customizing your defense 2. Questions for your Chair/Committee 3. NVivo visualizations in your defense ◦ Three types ◦ Three postures

4. After the defense

Getting ideas ◦ Watch other defenses ◦ Ask faculty about what makes a defense successful

(in general) ◦ Ask students what went well or poorly in their

defenses ◦ Do a “reverse outline” of your dissertation

Develop an artifact for yourself that represents your work and helps provide closure. ◦ Share it?

Looking for facets of transparency

Instead, found diversity

Social construction of transparency

Communities of practice

Transparency as a reflection of ◦ Self, in a community of practice

◦ Ideologies

◦ Values

Who is the audience? ◦ Experts? ◦ General public?

What are the standard elements?

What are some “optional” elements? ◦ Can I do anything arts-based, for instance?

Focus? ◦ Key points from each chapter ◦ Focus on final chapters ◦ Take an important thread and follow/explain

OR . . . Develop your proposal/understanding of the audience, elements, focus, and get feedback

How much time should I take to present?

Will questions occur during the presentation or be held until after?

Should I use PowerPoint or other presentation tools?

What technology is available or should I use?

Can or should I use “hand-outs”?

What paperwork is required before/after? ◦ Who is responsible?

◦ Copies/duplicates?

Doctoral student

Faculty member

Exemplary qualitative

research article



Node Name Sources References

Standards and logic and methods 6 16

Replicability 4 5

Succinct and good writing 4 6

Team research 1 1

Inductive 1 1

Mixed methods 1 2

Doctoral student

Faculty member

Exemplary qualitative

research article



Doctoral student

Faculty member

Exemplary qualitative

research article



Researcher as architect– prospective thinking

Researcher as archaeologist – retrospective thinking

Researcher as artist – speculative thinking

Three types of visualizations ◦ Summaries

◦ Coding displays

◦ Idea connectors

Three postures to take when visualizing ◦ Architect – prospective

◦ Archaeologist – retrospective

◦ Artist - speculative

Be prepared to revise ◦ Reserve the time and don’t let it sit!!!!

Use visualizations to map changes

Write a memo about the changes and import it into NVivo as a log ◦ Confirm your understanding with the chair

◦ OR . . . Import the notes/letter the Chair provides

Follow your IRB guidelines for storing/destroying your database


Session 1 ◦ NVivo and successfully defended dissertations

Session 2 ◦ NVivo and the dissertation literature review

Session 3 ◦ NVivo, ethics and IRBs

Session 4 ◦ NVivo and your dissertation defense

Large group

Small group


Independent work

Stay a 4th day

at no extra cost


Getting Started and Finishing your Dissertation Using NVivo


Kristi Jackson, MEd PhD

